The Major


Students majoring in philosophy are required to complete a minimum of 10 courses offered by the department, including at least seven upper-division courses (300 or above). With the exception of courses taken during periods in which all restrictions on pass/fail courses were removed, only courses numbered 501 or above may be taken pass/fail to count for the major. At least 6 of the 10 courses must be taken at UMass Amherst or the Five Colleges.

Philosophy majors must take courses in the following areas:

1. One course in logic; for example:

  • 110 Introduction to Logic
  • 310 Intermediate Logic

2. One course in value theory; for example:

  • 160 Introduction to Ethics
  • 163 Business Ethics
  • 164 Medical Ethics
  • 170 Problems in Social Thought
  • 180 Death and the Meaning of Life
  • 343 Philosophy of Art

3. One course in History (A); for example:

  • 320 History of Ancient Philosophy
  • 328 Plato and Aristotle
  • 329 Medieval Philosophy

4. One course in History (B); for example:

  • 321 History of Modern Philosophy
  • 330 Continental Rationalism
  • 331 British Empiricism

5. Two courses in metaphysics and epistemology; for example:

  • 341 Introduction to Metaphysics
  • 342 Introduction to Epistemology
  • 346 Introduction to Philosophy of Language
  • 353 Introduction to Philosophy of Science
  • 355 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
  • 383 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion

6. Integrative Experience course:

  • 500 Contemporary Problems

7. Junior Year Writing course; one of the following:

  • 400 Logic and Language
  • 401 Writing in Philosophy

Note: Phil 400 and 500 also count towards the seven 300-level-or-above-courses requirement.

For the Departmental Honors Program

Students must, in addition to meeting these major requirements, maintain a high grade point average, and write an honors thesis. For details, consult the Director of Undergraduate Studies.