The Courses

Note: Credits may be earned for only one of the following courses in each line:
   PHYSICS 100, 139
   PHYSICS 131, 151, 181
   PHYSICS 132, 152, 182

100 Conceptual Physics (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

105 Weather and Our Atmosphere (2nd sem)  3 cr

114 Theory of Sound with Applications to Speech and Hearing Science (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

115 Physics of Music (PS) (2nd sem) 4 cr

116 Relativity (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

118 Energy and Society (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

120 Big Bang to Black Holes (PS) (2nd sem) 4 cr

121 Einstein's Dice (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

125 Seeing the Light (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

131 Introductory Physics I (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

132 Introductory Physics II (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

139 Introduction to Physics (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

151 General Physics I (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

152 General Physics II (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

181 Physics I: Mechanics (PS) (1st sem) 4 cr

181H Physics I: Mechanics, honors (1st sem) 5cr

182 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism (PS) (2nd sem) 4 cr

182H Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism , honors (2nd sem) 5 cr

185 Freshman Seminar (1st sem) 1 cr

186 Freshman Seminar (2nd sem) 1 cr

192M Introduction to Measurement Using the Arduino

196 Independent Study (both sem) 1-3 cr

271 Mathematical Methods of Physics I (1st sem) 3 cr

272 Physics III: Thermodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity (1st sem) 3 cr

273 Sophomore Physics Laboratory I (1st sem) 2 cr

275 Mathematical Methods of Physics II (2nd sem) 3 cr

276 Physics IV: Introduction to Waves and Quantum Mechanics (2nd sem) 3 cr

277 Sophomore Physics Laboratory II (2nd sem) 2 cr

281 Computational Physics (both sem) 3 cr

296 Independent Study (both sem) 1-3 cr

381 Writing in Physics (1st sem) 3 cr

390T Principles of Active Learning in Physics Education (1st sem) 3 cr

396 Independent Study (both sem) 1-3 cr

397P Professional and Career Development (2nd sem) 1 cr

421 Mechanics (1st sem) 4 cr

422 Electricity and Magnetism (2nd sem) 4 cr

423 Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics (2nd sem) 4 cr

424 Quantum Mechanics (1st sem) 4 cr

440 Intermediate Laboratory (both sem) 4 cr

496 Independent Study (both sem) 1-3 cr

499Y Honors Research (both sem) 1-4 cr

499T Honors Thesis (both sem) 1-5 cr

The following 500-level courses are taught once per year, in alternate years, or less frequently.  Generally, at least two are taught each semester.

531 Electronics for Scientists I (1st sem) 4 cr

537 Quantum Computation (1st sem) 3 cr

551 Biological Physics (2nd sem) 3 cr

553 Optics (2nd sem) 4 cr

556 Nuclei and Elementary Particles (2nd sem) 3 cr

558 Solid State Physics (2nd sem) 3 cr

562 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism (1st sem) 3 cr

564 Advanced Quantum Mechanics (2nd sem) 3 cr

568 Cosmology and General Relativity (1st sem) 3 cr

597B Special Topics in Biological Physics (2nd sem) 3 cr

596 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr