The Courses

(Courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted)

129 Health Care for All (4 credits)

196H Honors Independent Study (variable)

203 Introduction to Environmental Health Sciences

223 Introduction to Biostatistics

224 Epidemiology in Public Health

296H Honors Independent Study (variable)

301 Principles of Community Health Education

302 Community Development & Health Education

307 Community-Based Inquiry

317 Environmental Controversies

319 Cancer and the Environment 

328 Fundamentals of Women's Health

323 Public Health Communications

333 Environmental Poisons and Public Health

335 Critical Thinking in Public Health: Assessing Risk, Benefit, and Doing the Right Thing

340 LGBTQ Health 

360 Air Pollution and Health

370 Public Health Through the Ages: A History of Public Health Practice in the United States

371 Policy of Obesity Prevention and Management

372 Maternal and Child Health in the Developing World

375 Case Studies in US Health Policy

376 Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Global Health

377 Food Toxicology

378 Climate Change and Health 

378H Climate Change and Health Honors

380 Introduction to Health Services Management

385 Injury and Violence Prevention

389 Health Inequities 

389H Health Inequities Honors

390C Health Assessment

390DV Data Expoloration and Visualization

390GP Global Problems in Environmental Health

390N Mental Health in a Global Perspective

390S Mental Health and Care Systems in the US

390T Ethics in Public Health

390V Pathogens, People, and Politics

390ZZ Public Health Surveillance and Response for Vector-Borne Disease

396R Guided Independent Research in Public Health (variable)

396T Public Health Course Assistant

396H Honors Independent Study (variable)

398 Public Health Internship (variable)

410 Introduction to Health Economics

413 Introduction to Epidemiologic Data Management and Analysis

418 Chronic Disease Epidemiology

433 Ecotoxicology and Public Health

440 The Opioid Epidemic

441 Water Justice and Planetary Health

444 Reproductive Justice

448 Epidemiology of Women's Health

450 Comparative Health Care Systems

460 Telling Stories with Data: Statistics, Modeling, and Visualization

465 Global Perspective on Women’s Health

475 The Epidemic of Loneliness: Connection, Belonging, and Public Health

482 Race, Public Health, and Policy

490E Reproductive Epidemiology

490FM Human Rights, Health, and Migration

494CI Capstone in Public Health

496H Honors Independent Study (variable)

499N Public Policy and Citizen Action (Community Scholar Program)

499O Organizing: People Power and Change (Community Scholar Program)

499P Honors Project (variable)

499T Honors Thesis (variable)

499Y Honors Research (variable)