The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted. IE = Integrative Experience)

102 Introduction to Resource Economics (SB) (both sem) (4 credits)

106 (formerly 162) Economics is Everywhere (SB) (fall sem) (4 credits)

107 (formerly 121) Hunger in a Global Economy (SB DG) (both sem) (4 credits)

112 Computing: Foundations to Frontiers (both sem)

202 Price Theory (both sem) (4 credits)

212 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences (R2) (both sem) (4 credits)

213 Intermediate Statistics for Business and Economics (both sem)

262 Environmental Economics (SB) (spring sem) (4 credits)

263 Natural Resource Economics (SB) (fall sem)(4 credits)

303 Writing in Resource Economics (both sem)

312 Introductory Econometrics (spring sem)

313 Decision Analysis (both sem)

315 (formerly 397A) Economics of Contemporary Information Technology (spring sem)

323 (formerly 314) Financial Analysis for Consumers and Firms (both sem)

324 Small Business Finance (both sem)

360 (formerly 397E) Economic Development and the Environment (spring sem)

363 (formerly 397W) The Economics of Water Policy (fall sem)

386 (formerly 397C) Health Economics (fall sem)

394LI Life is Full of Choices (both sem) (1 credit) (IE Seminar)

428 Managerial Economics (both sem) (Capstone for Managerial Economics)

440 (formerly 462) Experimental Economics (spring sem)

452 Industrial Organization (both sem) (IE for Managerial Economics)

453 Public Policy in Private Markets (both sem) (IE for Managerial Economics)

471 Cost-Benefit Analysis (spring sem) (IE and Capstone for Resource Economics)

472 Advanced Topics in Resource & Environmental Economics (fall sem) (IE and Capstone for Resource Economics)

499CA (fall sem) and 499DA (spring sem) Honors Thesis Seminar: Economics of Renewable Energy Transition

Please note: The semester(s) courses are offered is subject to change. Please check the SPIRE course guide for the current or upcoming semester for the most up-to-date information.