The Major

Students majoring in Sport Management are assigned to the General Curriculum Track for advising purposes. The election of a curriculum with an internship is possible once the following requirements have been satisfied:

  1. Seventy-two or more University graduation credits.
  2. Twelve or more Department credits (inclusive of SPORTMGT 210).
  3. A 3.0 grade point average in Department courses.
  4. Three or more of ECON 103, MATH 121, ACCOUNTNG 221, and CMPSCI 105.
  5. Completed and signed “Selection of an Internship Track” form.


Courses Outside of the Department (30 cr)

  • ACCOUNTNG 221 Introduction to Accounting I
  • ECON 103 Introduction to Microeconomics or RES-ECON 102 Introduction to Resource Economics
  • ECON 104 Macroeconomics
  • OIM 210 Introduction to Business Information Systems
  • FINANCE 301 Corporate Finance
  • MATH 121 Linear Methods and Probability for Business or MATH 127 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I or MATH 131 Calculus I
  • MANAGMNT 301 Principles of Management
  • SCH-MGMT 260 Introduction to Law (must have sophomore status)
  • MARKETNG 301 Fundamentals of Marketing
  • SCH-MGMT 310 Management Communication (junior year writing)
  • One of the following:
    • RES-ECON 212 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences or
    • STATISTC 240 Introduction to Statistics

Required Sport Management Courses (24 cr)

  • 200 Sociology of Sport & Physical Activity or 202 History of Sport & Physical Activity
  • 210 Introduction to Sport Management
  • 321 Sport Marketing (prereq. MARKETNG 301)
  • 335 Introduction to Sport Law (prereq. MANAGMNT 260)
  • SCH-MGMT 200 Career & Professional Development
  • 300 Sport Leadership (prereq. MANAGMNT 301)
  • 424 Sport Business and Finance (prereq. FINANCE 301)
  • 494PI Sport Policy (prereq. SPORTMGT 321, senior standing)

For the General Track: (30 cr)

  • Three Sport Management electives 200-level or above

For the Internship Track: (36 cr)

  • Internship (12 credits)
  • One Sport Management elective 200-level or above


Courses used to satisfy major requirements may not be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Students may not use Independent Study courses in place of required SPORTMGT electives.