Getting Started

College: CNS

Information below is meant to guide first year students in getting started with this major and choosing appropriate courses. More advanced students interested in this major would also likely start with proposed foundation/pre-requisite courses. Please refer to the Major page located in the left menu bar to learn about the full major requirements.

How to Explore the Major

Suggested General Education Courses

All Undergraduates are required to satisfy the General Education Requirements. Guidelines for students are available at Students should choose a wide variety of Gen Ed courses, providing breadth of experience.

Suggested Major and Pre-requisite Courses

NOTE: Interested students should check with Program Coordinator listed below for the most current information since this major is evolving.

Required prerequisites, including recommended sequence:

  • ENGLWRIT 112 (CW)
  • BIOLOGY 151
  • BIOLOGY 152
  • STOCKSCH 108 for students interested in plant sciences
  • MATH 104 (R1) NOTE: An R1 waiver does not satisfy this requirement.
  • CHEM 111 (PS) for students who are exempt from or have completed MATH 104
  • CHEM 112 (PS) for students who have completed CHEM 111

Suggested Electives:
Students should consult the Program Coordinator listed below, since electives for each student vary depending on their focus and interests.

How to Declare/Change into the Major

For current & admitted students: This major is unrestricted, which means any student may declare the major. Unrestricted majors may still have an entry process such as meeting with an advisor or attending an informational meeting.

Students should declare the major prior to the fourth semester (but as soon as possible to avoid a delay in graduation). See the Program Coordinator listed below to declare.

Transfer Students:

Students should see the departmental advisor as soon as possible.

Summary of Requirements for the Major

Total # or range of credits required: 71-75

  • Core Requirements (15 cr.)
  • Additional Life Science Requirements (44-48 cr.)
    Selected from a list of additional courses in biology, chemistry, experimental techniques, and independent study.
  • Restricted Electives (12 cr.)
    Selected from the areas of horticultural science, plant biotechnology, plant pathology, or soil sciences, with approval of the Program Coordinator.

Refer to the Bachelor of Science page located in the left menu bar to learn more.

Is there a minor? If so, what are the requirements?
Yes! A minor is available! The School currently offers one minor: Plant & Soil Sciences. Refer to the Minor pages located in the left menu bar to learn more

For further information, contact:
Associate Professor Michelle DaCosta, Program Coordinator
310 Paige Laboratory; (413) 545-2547