Bachelor of Science Degree Program

Stockbridge Core: 20-24 Credits

Biological Science (8 cr)

STOCKSCH 105: Soils (4 cr)
STOCKSCH 108: Introductory Botany (4 cr)
Note: STOCKSCH 105 can also satisfy Gen Ed BioSci Req

Chemistry (3-4 cr)

STOCKSCH117: Agricultural Chemistry (3 cr)
— or —
CHEM 111: General Chemistry (4 cr)
Note: CHEM 111 also satisfies Gen Ed (PS) Req

Mathematics (3-6 cr)

MATH 104: Algebra, Analytic Geometry & Trig
— or —
MATH 101: Precalc Algebra and Math 102 Analyt Geom & Trig (6 cr)
Note: MATH 104 also satisfies  Gen Ed R1 Req

Junior Year Writing (3 cr)

STOCKSCH 382:Professional Development in Sust. Food & Farming
— or —
NATSCI 387:College of Natural Sciences Junior Writing  (3 cr)
Note: Either course will also satisfy Gen Ed Jr Year

Integr. Experience (3 cr)

STOCKSCH  379:Agricultural Systems Thinking (3 cr)
— or —
STOCKSCH 494I: Global Issues in Applied Biology (3 cr)
Note: Either course will also satisfy Gen Ed IE Req

Sustainable Food and Farming Core: 12 Credits

Students must complete one course from each major core category below.

Sustainable Agriculture & Food Systems (3 cr)

STOCKSCH 165: Intro to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems  (3 cr)

Environmental Issues (3 cr)

STOCKSCH 186: Intro to Permaculture (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 270: Sustainable Soil and Crop Management (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 378: Intro to Agroecology (3 cr)

Social and Community Issues (3 cr)

STOCKSCH 263: Agricultural Leadership and Community-Based Education (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 355: Community Food Systems (online only) (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 356: Food Justice and Policy (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 358: Social Permaculture for Food Justice (3 cr)

Economic and Business Issues (3 cr)

STOCKSCH 266: Farm Management, Planning and Marketing (3 cr)
STOCKSCH 354: Non-Profit Mgmt. of Community Farming Programs (online only) (3 cr)
ACCNT 221: Principles of Financial Accounting (3 cr)
MKTG 301: Fundamentals of Marketing (3 cr)

Sustainable Food and Farming Electives: 27 Credits

Students must complete 27 additional credits.