The Major

All University of Massachusetts Amherst students are welcome to declare the major. Once they declare a Theater major, students are assigned a faculty member who will serve as their advisor.

For the B.A. degree in Theater, students must fulfill all University General Education requirements as well as appropriate requirements of the College of Humanities and Fine Arts. In addition, Theater majors must complete at least 36 credits in Theater. 10 credits must be completed in the area of Dramaturgy 9 credits in the area of Performance, and 9 credits in the area of Design, Technology and Management. Additionally, students are required to take two one-credit Backstage Practice courses and two elective courses within the Department of Theater totaling at least 6 credits (one Theater General Education course may count as one of the elective courses). Students must earn the minimum grade of a C in any individual theater course counted toward the major’s graduation requirements.


The 36 credits must be completed as follows:

Dramaturgy (10 cr)

  1. 130 Contemporary Playwrights of Color (4 credits, required)
  2. 6 credits of electives by choosing two upper-level Dramaturgy courses (one must fulfill the JYW requirement)

Successful completion of THEATER 130, plus any designated 300-level Junior Year Writing course in the major, fulfills the Junior Year Writing requirement.

Performance (9 cr)

  1. 140 Fundamentals of Acting (3 credits, required)
  2. 6 credits of electives by choosing two upper-level Performance courses.

Design, Technology and Management (9 cr)

  1. 160 Fundamentals of Stage Craft (3 credits, required)
  2. 6 credits of electives by choosing two upper-level DTM courses.

Take Two Elective Courses (6 cr) 

Any other 3- or 4-credit course within the Department of Theater.  One Theater General Education course may count as one of the elective courses.

Take Two One-Credit Backstage Practice courses (2 cr)

  • 110 Backstage Practice (1 credit, 2 times)


Integrative Experience (3 cr: to fulfill University requirement, for all majors)

Any one of the following:

  • 444 Performance in Detonated Language
  • 445 Directing II
  • 460 Scene Design Studio
  • 461 Lighting Design Studio
  • 462 Costume Design Studio
  • 494AI Actor/Director Collaboration
  • 494BI The Art of Adaptation

Enrollment in some Theater courses is by consent of instructor only. All students should consult with a department advisor to determine eligibility for, and appropriate placement within, the various courses.