Getting Started

UWW Interdisciplinary Studies

Information below is meant to guide first year students in getting starting with this major and choosing appropriate courses. More advanced students interested in this major would also likely start with proposed foundation/pre-requisite courses. Please refer to the Courses Page located in the left menu bar to learn about course offerings.

How to Explore the Major

UWW Interdisciplinary Studies is a bachelor’s degree completion program. Students can earn a BA or BS in Interdisciplinary Studies, design their own degree concentration, and earn credit for the learning they have gained from their life and work experience. Applicants must have a minimum of twelve college credits and at least a 2.0 GPA. Former UMass Amherst students are exempt from the GPA and credit requirements.

UWW Interdisciplinary Studies Major Core Curriculum:

Degree planning course: (required)

  • UWW 305 Concepts in Learning Integration (I)

Junior Writing course: (required)

  • UWW 370 Writing About Experience (JW)

Experiential Reflections courses (two required)

  • UWW 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 360  (IE)

Learn more about the curriculum and areas of study.

How to Declare the Major

Applicants apply through the UWW (Formerly CPE) Admissions office. Visit UWW Interdisciplinary Studies Admissions for more information and guidance.

Potential applicants are invited to attend an information session to learn about the program and the application process. Potential applicants are welcome to call 545-1378 to schedule an appointment with a pre-admissions advisor. Learn more at the UWW Interdisciplinary Studies website.

Deadlines: June 1 for Fall admission; November 1 for Spring admission; March 15 for Summer admission

Summary of Requirements for the Major

For a summary of requirements, visit the UWW Interdisciplinary Studies Academics page and scroll down to Degree Requirements. 

Is there a minor? No. A minor is not available.

For further information, contact:
UWW Interdisciplinary Studies
UMass Amherst
350 Campus Center Way
UMass Amherst