Environmental Science Program

Degree: Bachelor of Science

Contact: Deborah Henson
Office: 310 Holdsworth Hall
Phone: (413)545-5226
Email: dhenson@eco.umass.edu
Website: http://eco.umass.edu/degree-programs/undergraduate-programs/environmental-science/

The Environmental Science Program is an interdisciplinary science major in the College of Natural Sciences, which is administered jointly by the Department of Environmental Conservation, the Department of Earth, Geographic & Climate Sciences, and the Stockbridge School of Agriculture. There are many additional cooperating programs on campus, including: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, Microbiology, Resource Economics, Environmental Health Sciences, Public Health, and Veterinary and Animal Science.

Program Director: Professor David Boutt; Program Manager and Chief Advisor: Deborah Henson; Assistant Program Manager: Craig Nicolson; Participating Faculty: Environmental Conservation – Professors Crow-Miller, Danylchuk, Henson, Jordaan, MacLean, Markowitz, Milman, Nicolson, Randhir, Schweik, Stinson, Thomas; Earth Geographic & Climate Sciences – Professors Boutt, Brigham-Grette, Burns, Clement, Deconto, Hatch, Leckie, Petsch, Vogel, Winnick, Woodruff, Yu; Resource Economics – Professors Stevens, Stranlund;  Stockbridge School – Professors Barker, Cooley, Dhankher, Hestrin, Jung, Keiser, Naughton, Petit, Simkins, Xing; Public Health - Professor Adkins; Veterinary and Animal Science – Professor Doherty; Lecturers Milkey, Tease.