The Minor

Requirements for the MINOR in Environmental Science

Five courses required. Total credits = minimum of 15

Important Note: No more than two courses may be double-counted towards the requirements of both your major and this minor (or between this minor and another minor or certificate). Up to six (6) credits of transfer/exchange/advanced placement credits accepted.

Select no more than one (1) of the following three courses

ENVIRSCI 101 Introduction to Environmental Science (BS)
  OR  NRC 100 Environment and Society (I)
  OR  GEOGRAPH 110 Intro to Climate Science (PS)

Select two (2) of following six courses

  • ENVIRSCI 213 Introduction to Environmental Policy (note: restricted enrollment – Fall offering)
  • ENVIRSCI 214 Ecosystems, Biodiv.& Global Change (note: restricted enrollment, Biology prerequisite- Spring)
  • ENVIRSCI 315 Principles of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (note: restricted enrollment, organic chemistry prereq – Spring offering)
  • GEOGRAPH 342 – Environmental Geography and Sustainability (Fall)
  • GEOLOGY 285 – Environmental Geology (Fall)
  • RES-ECON 262 Environmental Economics (Spring) OR RES-ECON 263 Natural Resources Economics (Fall)

Select two (2) courses from approved list of Upper-Level (300+) ENVIRSCI elective course:

Earth Science

  • ENVIRSCI 364 Environ. Soil Science
  • ENVIRSCI 565 Soil Form. & Classification
  • GEOGRAPH 354 Climatology
  • GEOLOGY 415 Introduction to Geochemistry
  • GEOLOGY 485 Applied Environ. Geology
  • GEOLOGY 394LI: History of the Earth
  • GEOLOGY 494LI   Living on Earth
  • GEO-SCI 510 Natural Hazards
  • GEO-SCI 519 Aqueous & Environ. Geochem.
  • GEO-SCI 557 Coastal Processes
  • GEO-SCI 560 Geomorphology
  • GEO-SCI 563 Glacial Geology
  • GEO-SCI 587 Hydrogeology

Ecology and Conservation Science

  • BIOLOGY 421 Plant Ecology
  • BIOLOGY 540 Herpetology
  • BIOLOGY 544 Ornithology
  • BIOLOGY 548 Mammalogy
  • BIOLOGY 550 Animal Behavior
  • ENVIRSCI 515 Microbiology of Soil
  • NRC 540 Forest Management
  • NRC 564 Wildlife Habitat Management
  • NRC 565 Dyn. & Mgt of Wildlife Populations
  • NRC 566 Restoration Ecology
  • NRC 568 Wetland Soils
  • NRC 570 Ecology of Fish
  • NRC 580 Conservation Genetics
  • NRC 571 Fisheries Science & Management
  • NRC 578 Watershed Science & Mgt
  • STOCKSCH 326 Insect Biology
  • SUSTCOMM 335 Plants in the Landscape
  • SUSTCOMM 547 Landscape Pattern and Process

Environmental Policy & Land Use

  • ECON 308 Environmental Economics
  • SUSTCOMM 553 Resource Policy and Planning
  • SUSTCOMM 574 City Planning
  • SUSTCOMM 575 Environ. Law and Resource Mgt
  • SUSTCOMM 577 Urban Policies
  • LANDARCH 580 Sustainable Cities
  • LANDARCH 582 Landscape & Green Urbanism
  • GEOGRAPH 360 Economic Geography
  • GEOGRAPH 362 Conservation Geography
  • GEOGRAPH 370 Urban Geography
  • GEOGRAPH 372 Urban Issues
  • GEOGRAPH 440 Political Geography
  • GEOGRAPH 420 Political Ecology
  • NRC 309 Natural Resources Policy & Admin.
  • NRC 576 Water Resources Mgt & Policy
  • NRC 562 -Clean Energy & Climate Policy
  • NRC 561- AnalytcMethds/Enery&ClimPol
  • POLISCI 382 Environmental Policy
  • REGIONPL 558 Issues in Environmental Mgt
  • RES-ECON 360 –Econ. Development & Environment
  • RES-ECON 363 Economics of Water Policy
  • RESECON 471 Benefit-Cost Analysis
  • RESECON 472 Adv.topics Resource & Env Economics

Environmental Quality, Planning & Assessment

  • CE-ENGIN 370 Intro Environ.& Water Resources
  • ENVIRSCI 452 Haz. Waste Operations & Emergency Response
  • ENVIRSCI 465 Principles of Environ. Site Assessment
  • ENVIRSCI 575 Environmental Soil Chemistry
  • ENVIRSCI 585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water & Sediment
  • ENVIRSCI 587 Phyto/Bioremediation
  • GEOLOGY 331 Geological Mapping
  • GEOGRAPH 352 Computer Mapping
  • GEOGRAPH 468 GIS & Spatial Analysis
  • GEO-SCI 591CM Introduction to Climate & Environmental Monitoring
  • MICROBIO 310 General Microbiology
  • MICROBIO 385 Intro Biotechnology Lab
  • MICROBIO 562 Environ. Biotechnology
  • NRC 534 Forest Measurements
  • NRC 575 Case Studies in Land Conserv.
  • NRC 577 Ecosystem Modeling & Simulation
  • NRC 585 Introduction to GIS
  • NRC 586 Natural Resource Inventory of Local Lands
  • NRC 587 Digital Remote Sensing
  • NRC 581 Wetlands Assessment & Field Techniques
  • PUBHLTH 562 Air Quality Assessment
  • PUBHLTH  565 - Environmental Health Practices
  • PUBHLTH  590A - Contaminant Fate and Transport in Aquatic Systems
  • PUBHLTH  590N - Indoor Environment and Health
  • REGIONPL 553 Resource Policy and Planning

How to Declare the Minor:

Minors are declared after they are completed. Please email the Program Manager (Prof. Deborah Henson, with your SPIRE ID number, and the list of five classes that you are using to fulfill the minor.  You can “declare” your intention to complete the minor after the add/drop period in your final semester, or after the courses are completed if this happens sooner than your final semester before graduation.