The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

The 100-level courses are introductory surveys intended primarily for first-year students, although they may be taken at the sophomore level or above.

The 300-level courses (ART-HIST 302-355) are the immediate continuation of the introductory courses for students at the sophomore level and above. They offer a more detailed survey of the art and architecture of a particular period.

The Topical and Special Topics Courses (ART-HIST 381-397) offer the more advanced student the opportunity to explore select problems in greater detail. Qualified undergraduates also may enroll in 600-level or 700-level graduate seminars. These, as well as the Special Topics courses, vary from semester to semester; detailed descriptions are available in the History of Art and Architecture Office, W301 South College.

100 Survey of Art: Ancient-Medieval Art (AT DG) (4 cr) (1st sem)

100H Survey of Art: Ancient-Medieval Art (AT DG) (4 cr) (1st sem)

110 Survey of Art: Renaissance-Modern Art (AT DG) (4 cr ) (2nd sem)

110H Survey of Art: Renaissance-Modern Art (AT DG) (4 cr) (2nd sem)

115 Visual Arts, Artists, and Cultures: An Introduction to Looking (AT DG) (4 cr)

116 Art and Visual Culture of East Asia (AT DG) (4 cr)

118 History of Architecture and the Built Environment (AT DG) (4 cr)

213 Venice: Art, History, and Environment (AT) (4 cr)

298 Practicum: Introduction to Art Museum Studies (1-3 cr)

298 Practicum: The Digital Art Historian (2 cr)

302 Evaluating Greek Art: Ancient Culture, Scientific Technology and Modern Politics

303 Roman Art: Politics, Identity and Portraiture

305 Early Medieval Art

307 Romanesque and Gothic Art

308 Medieval Painting

310 Art and the City-State in Early Renaissance Italy

313 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism in Italy

314 The Baroque Artist in Italy

323 European Art 1780-1880

324 Modern Art 1880 to Present (AT DG) (4 cr)

327 Contemporary Art

328 Arts of the Americas to 1860

329 Latin American and U.S. Latinx Art, 1800-Present

330 Nature and the Built Environment (AT) (4 cr)

334 History of Decorative Arts

335 History of Photography

342 19th-Century Architecture: Reform, History and Technology

343 20th-Century Architecture: Socialism, Capitalism and Globalization

347 History of Islamic Art and Architecture I

348 History of Islamic Art and Architecture II

354 Art of Buddhism

355 Chinese Painting

370 Junior Year Writing

388 Special Topics in Asian Art

391A Seminar: Drawing in Contemporary Art

391B Seminar: Death in the Roman World

391C Seminar: Caravaggio

391E Seminar: Craft and Design in Japan

391M Seminar: Global 1950s: Beyond Abstract Expressionism

391N Seminar: Interiors

391P Seminar: Identity Politics and Art: 1960s to Today

391R Seminar: Visual Legacies of Colonialism

392M Seminar: Medieval Art of the Book

397A Impressionism and Post-Impressionism

397B Special Topics: Biology and Art

397C Nineteenth Century Art: Modernizing Sculpture, Canova to Duchamp

397F Special Topics: Art and Literature in Renaissance Florence

397P Special Topics: The Portrait in Medieval Europe 

397R Special Topics: Women in Architecture

397S Special Topics: The Black Subject in History and Contemporary Popular Visual Culture

397V Special Topics: Vexed Antiquities: Introduction to Challenges of Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century

397W The Oriental Carpet in East and West

397X Special Topics in American Art

398 Practicum: Careers in Art History (1 cr)

415 Methods of Art History (IE)