The Courses

(All Studio courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

104 Basic Studio/Drawing (AT) (4 cr) (both sem)

110 Basic Studio/Drawing I  (AT) (4cr) (1st sem)

120 Drawing Composition (2nd sem)

131 Foundation Studio 1 (1st sem)

142 Foundation Studio 2  (2nd sem)

201 Advanced Drawing

220 Painting I

221 Painting II

223 Painting III

230 Image Capturing

234 Art and Code

240 Relief I – Printmaking

241 Intaglio I – Printmaking

243 Monotype:  Painterly Print

244 Printmaking - Lithography I

256 Art Ed - Student Teaching Seminar

261 Sculpture 1 - Introduction to Sculpture

264 Digital Design

265 Sculpture 2 - Construction Sculpture

274 Animation Fundamentals

275 Digital Imaging

280 Ceramics: Handbuilding

281 Ceramics: Throwing

297B Special Topics:  Introduction to Color

310 Visual Arts and Human Development

311 Cultural Diversity & Emancipatory Inquiries in Art Education

320 Painting IV:  Advanced Painting Problems

330 Intermedia Topics I

333 Art in the Expanded Field

340 Printmaking - Relief II

341 Printmaking - Intaglio II

342 Printmaking - Lithography II

345 Digital Media:  Printmaking

346 Digital Media:  Printmaking/Offset Lithography

347 Digital Media: Silkscreen

360 Sculpture 3 - Mold Making and Casting

361 Sculpture 4 - Sculpture in Context

362 Casting and Composites

364 Design Thinking for Social Innovation

370 Junior Year Writing Program (both sem)

374 Computer Animation I (1st sem)

375 Moving Image

381 3-D Studies: Ceramics IV

384 Computer Animation II

385 Media and Motion Graphics (4 cr)

389 Portfolio Practicum (1 cr)

394DI Advanced Drawing Problems (IE) (both sem)

401 Professional Practices (IE) (3 cr) (both sem)

402 B.F.A. Degree Project (IE) (6 cr) (both sem)

420 Painting V

431 Intermedia Topics II

460 Sculpture 5 - Studio Practice

461 Sculpture 6 - Advanced Sculpture

464 Design Projects and Production

471 Senior Seminar: Computer Studio

480 Intermediate Ceramics

481 Advanced Ceramics

491A and B Seminar - New York Professional Outreach Program

499 Honors

515 Advanced Problems in Art Education K-9 (1st sem)

516 Advanced Problems in Art Education 5-12 (1st sem)

ART-ED 501 Student Teaching Practicum PreK-8 (3-12 cr) (2nd sem)

ART-ED 502 Student Teaching Practicum 5-12 (3-12 cr) (2nd sem)