Career Opportunities

After graduation, our students will go out and make a difference, working in government and nonprofits in the U.S. and abroad. They may also choose to create or work for a social enterprise, a business that seeks both to benefit the environment and society while also making money (much of which is used to fund programs that benefit society). Some of our students will choose to pursue a graduate or doctoral degree in law, public policy and management, medicine, business, and more.

Here are some examples of jobs that our alumni might pursue:

  • Government employee, working as a town administrator or on Congressional staff
  • Lawyer with advocacy organizations or the government
  • Program manager for a nonprofit, consulting firm, or think-tank
  • Research Associate for a nonprofit or consulting firm
  • Entrepreneur, running a business focused on improving society
  • Teacher with Teach for America
  • Social Media Manager for a nonprofit or government agency
  • Legislative Analyst reviewing new bills or laws to see how it impacts their employer (a government agency, a nonprofit, a social enterprise)

Here are the kinds of places our graduates will work:

  • Library of Congress
  • City of Boston
  • Partners in Health
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • The World Bank
  • Booz, Allen, Hamilton
  • Oxfam
  • United Way
  • State of Massachusetts

Check out our internship spotlights to see what others have done even before leaving UMass Amherst.