
All Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) students are strongly encouraged to meet with a CHC advisor at least once each semester. An academically diverse group of professional advisors, graduate student advisors, and undergraduate peer advisors are available to meet with students (in person or remotely) during weekdays at the Bloom Honors Advising Center. Advisors meet with students one-on-one in either scheduled appointments or during drop-in advising hours, as well as in group advising sessions. CHC advisors can assist students with an array of topics, including: navigating CHC course requirements, proposing an Honors Independent Study, and planning for an honors thesis. See Advising : Commonwealth Honors College : UMass Amherst.

Each major has an Honors Program Director who advises students on their Depth of Study requirements associated with Departmental Honors, and directs students to honors activities and research opportunities within the department.

For advising in their major or exploratory track, minor, or certificate, Commonwealth Honors College students must meet with an advisor in the appropriate undergraduate advising office or academic department. Advising questions concerning other academic matters (e.g., late course registration, late course withdrawal, credit limit increases) are handled through a student’s Academic Dean’s office in the school/college of their primary major.

The Office of National Scholarship Advisement (ONSA), which is in Commonwealth Honors College, assists eligible UMass Amherst students applying for competitive national fellowships such as the Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, and Truman Scholarships. ONSA advises students on requirements, qualifications, personal statements, and the interview process. Visit the ONSA website for more information.