The Program

The Five College Certificate in African Studies offers students an opportunity to pursue an interest in African studies as a complement to any academic major.

Drawing on the expertise and courses offered by more than 50 faculty members across the five campuses, students pursuing the Five College African Studies certificate work closely with a faculty advisor to plan a uniquely tailored course of study.

Certificate Requirements

Six courses, chosen from at least four different departments, programs, or disciplines:

The six courses should carry a total of at least 18 credits. Of the six courses, not more than two may carry less than two credits. The content of each course should be at least 50% devoted to Africa per se.

  1. Historical Overview. Minimum of one course providing historical perspective on Africa. Not limited to courses offered in History. (Normally the course should offer at least a regional perspective.)
  2. Social Science. Minimum of one course on Africa in the social sciences (i.e., Anthropology, Archaeology, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Sociology).
  3. Arts and Humanities. Minimum of one course on Africa in the fine arts and humanities (i.e., Art, Folklore, History, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Religion).

Language Requirement

Certificate students are required to engage in serious study of a language spoken on the African continent for a full semester. Note that this requirement can be met in a variety of ways. Students should consult with their advisor. Language courses may not count toward the six required courses.

Further Stipulations

  1. No more than three courses in any one department or program may count toward the six courses required in Section A.
  2. A certificate candidate may present courses taken in Africa, but normally at least three of the required courses must be taken in the Five Colleges.
  3. A candidate must earn a grade of B or better in every course for the certificate; none may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  4. Unusual circumstances may warrant substituting certificate requirements; therefore a candidate through her/his African Studies Faculty Advisor may petition the Faculty Liaison Committee (the Five College committee of certificate program advisors) at least one full semester before graduation for adjustments in these requirements. A successful petition will satisfy the interdisciplinary character of the certificate program.

Recommended Actions

  1. Students are encouraged to spend one semester or more in Africa. Information about study abroad and other opportunities is available through the international program office at each campus.
  2. Students are encouraged to complete their certificate program with an independent study project that integrates and focuses their course work in African studies.