The Certificate

The undergraduate Certificate Program constitutes the heart of Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies offerings, enabling students, regardless of their major, to develop a concentration in Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies as a supplement to their regular interdisciplinary studies. Students entering the Certificate Program have an opportunity to study Latin America, the Caribbean and Latinas/os in the United States from the perspective of diverse disciplines and points of view. Those students who fulfill the requirements of the program are awarded a Certificate in Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies attesting to their achievements in language and area studies.

There are two tracks within the Certificate Program, and their requirements are listed below. One track emphasizes language proficiency, and the other area studies. Students who intend to complete the program or who wish to have further information should contact

Track A: Language Emphasis

1. Languages

  1. Students must demonstrate a practical working knowledge, defined as the ability to engage in ordinary conversations and to read mature but nontechnical material, of Spanish or Portuguese. This knowledge may be demonstrated by examination or by satisfactory performance in either SPANISH 311 or 312 or either PORTUG 311 or 312.
  2. Completion of the two beginning semesters of the other language (Spanish or Portuguese) or demonstration of equivalent competency by examination.

2. Area Studies

Successful completion of four courses with Latin American, Caribbean or Latino studies content selected from at least three distinct disciplines. A list of available courses that may be applied to the requirements is compiled every semester, and may be obtained at the Center and the Center’s website. At least one of these courses must have Latino/a content.

Track B: Area Studies Emphasis

1. Languages

Students must demonstrate a practical working knowledge of Spanish or Portuguese. For details see above under Track A (1) (a). 

2. Area Studies

Successful completion of six courses with Latin American, Caribbean or Latino studies content selected from at least three distinct disciplines, with no more than three from any one discipline. One of these courses must be taught entirely in Spanish or Portuguese. A list of available courses that may be applied to the requirements is compiled every semester, and may be obtained at the Center’s website (

Requirements may be satisfied by both regular course offerings and special topics and seminars. A list of available courses that may be applied to the requirements is compiled every semester, and may be obtained at the Center and the Center’s website. These typically include offerings in Anthropology, Communication, Economics, Education, Geography, History, Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, Legal Studies, Political Science, Portuguese, Sociology, Spanish, and Women Studies. Appropriate courses from the Five College or study abroad offerings may also be used to fulfill requirements.

Notes on Requirements:

  1. All courses applied to the requirements of the Certificate and the Minor must be completed with grades of “C” or better.
  2. At least one half of the courses for the Certificate and the Minor must be completed on the University’s Amherst campus.
  3. Courses completed at other institutions, including the Five Colleges or study abroad, must be approved by petition to the Director of the program.
  4. Independent Study, internships, practicums, or honor thesis credits may not be included as part of the first 15 credit hours required.
  5. No more than two courses used to satisfy the requirements for the Certificates program may be applied toward another Certificate program
  6. The Certificate is awarded at the time of graduation, and will not be awarded if Bachelor’s Degree requirements are not completed.