The Program

The certificate provides students with training that prepares them for careers in technical writing, professional communication, and information design. Our courses provide: (1) practice in technical and professional writing, editing, and software documentation; (2) hands-on training in a range of industry-standard software; (3) an introduction to theories and practices of information design.

To be admitted into any of the five PWTC courses, students must have junior or senior standing and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better. In order to continue in the PWTC program, students must earn a grade of 'B' or better in each PWTC course. Students who complete all five courses with a grade of 'B' or better will be awarded the program certificate.

Required Courses

English 379: Introduction to Professional Writing (Fall)
This course offers an overview of commonly encountered professional genres such as memos, reports, job materials, and grant proposals. Students gain practice writing in these genres, with an emphasis on clarity and concision. They also develop more sophisticated research skills and gain experience in communicating specialized information to non-specialist readers. Finally, they are exposed to a range of professional writing careers as they explore writing on both theoretical and practical planes through consideration of audience, as well as wider professional, social, and cultural contexts. Prereq.: ENGLWP 112 or equivalent; junior or senior status (or instructor approval) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0.

English 380: Professional Writing and Tech Comm 1 (Fall)
Introduces principles of technical writing and software documentation. This course simulates the writing and editing processes used in the computer industry; students write a 20-25 page manual documenting a software product, usually Microsoft Word. Prereq.: ENGL 379 (which may be taken concurrently) or permission of the instructor; junior or senior status with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

English 391C: Advanced Software for Professional Writers (Spring)
In this course, students learn to create web content using industry standard techniques and software for building websites (for example: HTML, CSS, and Adobe Photoshop). The major ongoing project for the course will be to create an online portfolio of content that demonstrates your skills as a web designer and professional writer. Class time includes lab work on the portfolio, workshop critiques of work-in-progress, and in-class exercises. Prereq.: English 379 or permission of instructor; junior or senior status and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

English 381: Professional Writing and Tech Comm 2 (Spring)
This course continues and extends the work of ENGL 380. Students learn and apply principles of software documentation, information design, typography, and page design. They also learn to use industry-standard software programs such as Adobe InDesign, MadCap Flare, and Adobe FrameMaker. Prereq.: ENGL 380, junior or senior status, or permission of instructor, with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

English 382: Professional Writing and Tech Comm 3 (Spring)
This course serves as the capstone for the Professional Writing and Technical Communication Certificate. As such, the course has two aims: professionalization and specialization. Students participate in mock interviews, workshop their professional portfolios, and learn about careers in technical writing and information technology from working professionals. The course also provides students with directed opportunities to explore the theory and practice of particular kinds of writing and technology (e.g., report writing, grant proposals, speechwriting, voiceovers, integration with video and film, web site development). Each student presents a significant report on a topic related to technology, communication, and culture. Prereq.: ENGL 380, junior or senior status, or permission of instructor, and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better.

Two of the program's courses may count as electives toward the English major; three count as general graduation credits. Students who complete the specialization also receive credit for the I.E. requirement (which English 382 satisfies). Two of the program's courses (English 391C and 382) may be counted toward the IT Minor.

Non-majors: Although the program is housed within the English Department, PWTC courses are open to students in all other majors, so long as they meet the prerequisites.

Graduate and Continuing Education students: Students undertaking advanced degrees may enroll in PWTC courses only by special arrangement with the instructors. Although persons not enrolled in a UMass-Amherst degree program cannot receive the program certificate, they may enroll in the program's courses (space permitting) through UMass Amherst University Without Walls.

Recommended Order

English 379 and 380 may be taken concurrently and are prerequisites for English 381 and 382. English 379 is a prerequisite for English 391C, but to allow students more scheduling flexibility, this prereq may be waived with approval from the instructor. Although the entire program may be completed during a single academic year, students are encouraged to spread the work over their junior and senior years. English 382 is designed as the capstone course for the certificate and should be taken last.