The Program

The TESOL certificate prepares students to be successful teachers of English to speakers of other languages by providing the necessary foundations in linguistics, in theories of language learning and teaching (applied linguistics), and in the practice of teaching. It does not provide certification for teaching in the K-12 system; instead it prepares students for the many other employment opportunities in TESOL in the US and abroad.

Part of this preparation is the development of an understanding of the fundamentals of linguistics (LING 201), and especially of the linguistic structure of English, both in terms of its grammar and its pronunciation (LING 330). Another part of that preparation is the development of an understanding of how languages are learned, and of the effectiveness of various methods of language teaching (LLC 320). Finally, all students that complete the certificate will develop an understanding of the practice of teaching, in terms of creating effective curricula and lesson plans (LLC 321). This last course, LLC 321 also includes a practicum component; please see the sample syllabus linked below for further details. In addition, electives will allow students to focus on areas of linguistics or language teaching that are of particular relevance to their interests and career goals.

4 courses (12 credits) required:

LINGUIST 201 How Language Works: Introduction to Linguistic Theory
LINGUIST 330 The Structure of English for Language Teaching
LLC 320 Foundations of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
LLC 321 The Practice of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

1 course (3 credits) elective:

LLC 322 Teaching ESL Writing
LLC 323 Technology for TESOL
Any Linguistics course 300-level or above approved by the Certificate advisor.

Once you have completed the requirements, contact the certificate coordinator Magda Oiry ( to arrange for award of the Certificate. You should also contact the coordinator to confirm that a Linguistics elective that you wish to include is appropriate (most are), or if you have any questions about the Certificate.