The Program

The Certificate in Transportation Management and Operations provides academic and practical experience that will prepare students for careers in managing and operating public transportation systems. The certificate requirements include

  1. An application to the Advisory Committee
  2. The completion of 15 credits approved by the Advisory Committee including the two required foundation courses:
    • CEE 410 Public Transportation Systems (offered annually)
      CEE 410 is one of the two core courses required for the undergraduate certificate in Transit Management and Operations. The course is an introduction to public transportation systems and focuses on the relationship of public transportation to technological innovation; financing and regulation; supply, demand, and price considerations; performance evaluation; routing and scheduling; application of microcomputers; and project planning and design.
    • CEE 418 Intelligent Transportation Systems (offered annually)
      CEE 418 is the second core course required for the undergraduate certificate in Transit Management and Operations. The course is a critical review and analysis of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) as it applies to the management and operation of surface transportation facilities and the technologies applied.
  3. Internship
    The student must complete a total of at least 200 internship hours with a large transit agency and UMass Transit (or similar size transit agencies). The student is expected to spend the 200 hours between the two agencies. The idea behind splitting the internship hours is for the student to gain experience in both a small and large transit operation. The internship will provide the student with valuable real life experience in the transit field where they will learn the tools and techniques of the trade through observation and participation. During the internship the student will shadow staff members from various departments and assist in projects. The goals are to learn how the departments of maintenance, operations, training, planning, and human resources function as well as assisting on various projects that are crucial to a transit agencies success. Students will be able to work on the internship during both semesters and the summer and could conceivably complete it in one calendar year. Some internships may be paid but it is not guaranteed.
  4. Students, in consultation with the Program Director and/or a member of the Advisory Committee, will develop individualized courses of action for the certificate. They must select at least three additional classes from the following list:

    ACCOUNTG 221 Introduction to Accounting (3cr)
    CEE 310 Introduction to Transportation Systems (3cr)
    CEE 497 Special Topics Transit Management (3cr)
    OIM 341 Logistics & Transportation Functions (3cr)
    OIM 301 Introduction to Operations Management (3cr)
    MANAGMNT 260 Introduction to Law (3cr)
    MANAGMNT 301 Principles of Management (3cr)
    POLISCI 214 Urban Gov & Politics (3cr)