
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

536 Advanced Modern Japanese I
Helps students to read high-quality Japanese texts in some quantity and different genres at the advanced level. Oral and written discussion of pertinent issues. Conducted in Japanese.

537 Advanced Modern Japanese II
A continuation of JAPANESE 536 in greater depth and intensity.

556 Masterpieces of Classical Japanese Literature I
Introduction to the literary language of Japan, through the study of classical grammar and the linguistic analysis of poetry and short prose.

557 Masterpieces of Classical Japanese Literature II
Critical reading and appreciation of selected major masterpieces in cultural and literary contexts; improving grammar and dictionary skills. Prerequisite: JAPANESE 556 or consent of instructor.

560 Seminar in Japanese Literature
Exploration of varied topics such as the construct of masculinity, women’s issues, warfare and its consequences, or of specific genres, such as diaries, poetry, or the theater. Emphasis on the transformation of literary forms into cinematographic expressions. Topics change from semester to semester. Course may be repeated up to four times.

570 Research in Japanese Source Materials
Introduction to Japanese resources available through general reference works, bibliography, specialized reference materials, and the Internet. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

580  Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
Seminar on the theoretical and practical approaches to foreign language learning and teaching.  Topics include teaching methodology, lesson planning, material development, testing and assessment, and teacher development.

592 Pro-seminars in Japanese
Pro-seminars in Japanese literature and literary translation.

593B Introduction to Japanese Linguistics
Introduction to the fundamental nature of phonology, syntax, and pragmatics of more Japanese.  Following a brief survey of basic linguistic concepts, the discussions will be focused on the structure of Japanese and controversial issues.

660 Problems and Methods of Translation
Advanced training in practical techniques associated with the translation of modern Japanese; familiarization with appropriate glossaries, dictionaries and other translator’s tools. Discussion of specific problems in Japanese-English translation and practice with a variety of prose styles used in journalistic, political, commercial, literary, and other forms of modern writing.

691 Graduate Seminar in Japanese
Topic determined by fields and interests of enrolled students. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

699 Master’s Thesis
Credit, 6.

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