
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

Applied Studies

516, 517, 519 and 618A-V Performance: Individual Instruction
Literature and instrumental technique or voice production. Audition required. Credit, 1-4.

A Applied Piano

C Applied Voice

D Applied Violin

E Applied Viola

F Applied Cello

G Applied String Bass

J Applied Oboe

K Applied Clarinet

L Applied Bassoon

M Applied Saxophone

N Applied Trumpet

O Applied French Horn

P Applied Trombone

R Applied Baritone Horn

S Applied Tuba

T Applied Percussion

U Applied Flute

V Applied Piano Accompaniment

520 Music Composition for Visual Media

591B Seminar: 20th Century Performance Practice

591F French Art Song

592G German Lied and Poetry

592K Survey of Keyboard Chamber Music

630 Graduate Recital
Credit, 2.

631 Graduate Composition Project
Credit, 2.

659 Composition
Credit, 1-4


617 (C) Applied Choral Conducting

617 (O) Applied Orchestral Conducting

617 (W) Applied Wind Conducting

692 (G,O,W) Conducting Recital

697 (C,D,E,F) Choral Conducting

697 (J,D,L,M) Orchestral Conducting

697 (N,O,P,Q) Wind Ensemble Conducting

697I Advanced Orchestral Conducting

Music History

591A American Music

591S Post-Tonal Music

593F Musical Biography

593S The History of Styles in Western Music

595J History of Jazz

600 Musicology Seminar I: Bibliography

601 Musicology Seminar II: Research in Musicology

640 The Middle Ages

641 The 17th Century: The Baroque Era

642 Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven

643 The 19th Century: Romanticism

644 Music of the 20th Century

645 History of Opera

646 Music of the Renaissance

647 The Age of Bach and Handel

648 Music History Pedagogy

649 Entrepreneurship in Musical Culture

690S Late Style in Music

693M Minimalism

693P Post-Modern Music

693S Symphony in the 19th and 20th Centuries

795I Seminar: Independent Teaching

798B Teaching Practicum

Music Theory

510 Counterpoint

511 Orchestration

586 MIDI Studio Tech

591C Seminar in Electronic Music Composition

615 Pedagogy of Theory

691 Graduate Musicianship

691A Analysis of Music Since 1945

691C Analysis of Counterpoint

691E General Readings in Music Theory

691F Musical Forms

690J Graduate Jazz Analysis II

690W Analysis of Pop and Rock Music

691G Jazz Styles and Analysis

691K Post-Tonal Theory

691M Motivic Analysis

691O Analysis of Opera

691P Analysis for Performance

691R Analysis of Rhythm and Meter

691S Schenkerian Analysis

695T History of Theory

798B Teaching Practicum

795I Seminar: Independent Teaching

Music-Ed 591FM: Feldenkrais for Musicians (2 credits)

Music-Ed 602: Innovation in Music Education (2 credits)

Music-Ed 603: Introduction to Music Education Research (2 credits)

Music-Ed 604: Contemporary Issues in Music Education (2 credits)

Music-Ed 605: Community Engagement in Music (2 credits; possibly completed in partnership with the Springfield Public Schools)

Music-Ed 606: Music Education in a Global Context (2 credits)

Music-Ed 607: Music and Lifelong Learning (2 credits)

Music-Ed 608: Philosophy of Music and Teaching (2 credits)

Music-Ed 631: Seminar in Music Education Research (2 credits)

Independent Study/Special Topics

696 Independent Study
Credit, 1-6.

697 Special Topics
Credit, 1-6.

699 Master’s Thesis
Credit, 3-10.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.

Performing Organizations

(Each ensemble receives 1 credit.)

(Audition Required)

551-553 Small Ensemble

560 University Chorale

561 University Chorale Chamber Singers

562 Women’s Choir

563 Chamber Choir

565 University Orchestra

566 Marching Band
Fall semester only. Credit, 2.

567 Symphony Band

568 Wind Ensemble

569 Concert Band

570 Jazz Workshop

572 Trombone Choir

574 String Bass Ensemble

575 Chamber Jazz Ensemble

576 Percussion Ensemble

577 UMass Marimbas

578 Collegium Musicum

579 Vocal Jazz Ensemble

580 Performance Workshop for Singers
Credit, 2.

582 Chamber Orchestra—Opus 1