
Each year, over 400 sustainability-related courses are available at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. MS3 students enroll in courses from across the campus, including the Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Geosciences, Stockbridge School of Agriculture, Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning, School of Public Policy, Nutrition, and Resource Economics.

Please also refer to the Program Overview in the Sustainability Science section of this Bulletin for program requirements. Visit our website to learn more about courses and the program requirements.

ANTHRO 597CM: ST- Community Based Methods

ARCH 520: Building Physics I

ARCH 597SB: ST-Sustainable Building Systems

ARCH 597SD: ST-Sustainable Design

ARCH 697K: ST-Green Building & Historical Preservation

ARTS-EXT 509: Greening/Nonprofit Arts Org

BCT 511: Clean Energy Corps

BCT 520: Energy and Buildings

BCT 521: Environmental Control Systems

BCT 525: Solar Energy Systems & Building Design

BCT 590S: Topics in Sustainable Building Systems and Construction Technology

BCT 597F: Wood Design Studio

BCT 597Q: Living Labs: Solving for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainability

CE-ENGIN 509: Transportation System Analysis

CE-ENGIN 560: Hydrology

CE-ENGIN 577: Surface Water Quality Modeling

CE-ENGIN 597B: Potable Water for Small and Disadvantaged Communities

CE-ENGIN 597D: ST-Drinking Water, Sanitation, and Global Development

CE-ENGIN 597R: Water Resources Planning

CE-ENGIN 597S: Transportation Sustainability

CE-ENGIN 597U: ST-Water Planning Under Climate Change

CE-ENGIN 597W: Water Resources Engineering and Sustainability

CE-ENGIN 597WR: ST-Water Resources Engineering

CE-ENGIN 597WS: ST-WaterSupply&WastewatrCollec

CE-ENGIN 697Z: ST-Organic Compounds in Water and Wastewater

CE-ENGIN 670: Transport Processes in Environmental and Water Resources

CE-ENGIN 671: Environmental Biological Processes

CE-ENGIN 697Z: Organic Compounds in Water and Wastewater

CE-ENGIN 776: Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils and Ground Water

ECO 602: Analysis of environmental data

ECO 605: Urban Forests: Structure, Function, Value

ECO 610: Offshore Wind Energy: Technology, Resources, Grid Integration, and Trends

ECO 620: Studies in Building Information Modeling

ECO 621: Landscape Ecology

ECO 675: Ecological Economics and Sustainability

ECO 690E: Environmental Conflict and Collaborative Policy

ECO 690P: Public Engagement and Communication

ECO 691A: S-Current Research in Environmental Conservation

ECO 691E: S-Ecological Responses to Climate Change

ECO 692C: S-Sustainable Building System Seminar

ECO 693E: S-Environmental Careers Seminar

ECO 697CL: Diversity/Inclusion/Pedagogy

ECO 697DL: ST-Sustainable Building and LEED Certification

ECO 697EC: ST- Readings in Environmental Social Science

ECO 697EE: Inclusive Teaching and Leadership in the Natural Sciences

ECO 697PS: Perspectives on Sustainability (Required)

ECO 697RF: Special Topics- Recreational Fisheries Science and Conservation

ECO 697SV: Design/Implementation/Analysis: Surveys

ECO 697UF: Urban Forestry

ECO 697UW: Urban Wildlife Ecology Management

ECO 697V: ST-Sustainability Science Perspectives on the Field

ECO 698S: Sustainability Science Practicum (Required)

ECO 768: Wetlands Ecology and Conservation

ECO 777: Advanced Systems Ecology

ECON 697EV: ST-Environmental Policy

ECON 797EV: Political Economy of the Environment

ECON 797T: Political Economy of Agrarian Reform

EHS 562: Air Quality and Assessment

EHS 565: Environmental Health Practices

EHS 666: Env. & Occupational Toxicology

EHS 567: Environmental Compliance & Regulations

EHS 790VS: Graduate Seminars in Environmental Health

ENVIRDES 553: Resource Policy and Planning

ENVIRSCI 504: Air Pollution and Climate Change Biology

ENVIRSCI 515: Microbiology of the Soil

ENVIRSCI 564H: Environmental Soil Science

ENVIRSCI 575: Environmental Soil Chemistry

ENVIRSCI 596W: Independent Study- Wetland Plants

ENVIRSCI 597B: ST-Potable Water Small & Disadvantaged Communities

FOOD-SCI 590A: Food Science Policy

GEOGRAPH 592B: S-GIS Seminar

GEOGRAPH 593WG: Water Geographies

GEOGRAPH 693D: S-Critical Approaches to Development


GEOGRAPH 697G: Geography, Policy, and the Environment

GEOGRAPH 697S: ST-Environmental Geography and Sustainability

GEOGRAPH 697V: ST-Political Geographies & Political Ecologies of COVID 19

GEO-SCI 517: Sedimentary Geochemistry

GEO-SCI 519: Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry

GEO-SCI 557: Coastal Processes

GEO-SCI 558: Paleoclimatology

GEO-SCI 587: Hydrogeology

GEO-SCI 591CM: Introduction to Climate and Environmental Modeling

GEO-SCI 591NE: S-Climate Change Impacts

GEO-SCI 595P: S-Diversity/Inclusion/Pedagogy

GEO-SCI 670: Urban Environmental History

GEO-SCI 687: Advanced Hydrogeology

GEO-SCI 691EC: ST-Ecohydrology

HISTORY 595F: Food, Culture, and Policy

HISTORY 691N: History and Sustainability

HISTORY 797U: Landscape and Memory

HPP 583: Global Health in Dev World

HPP 590F: Food Insecurity, Climate Change, and Women's Resilience in the Developing World

HPP 632: Social Justice & Public Health

LANDARCH 547: Landscape Pattern and Process

LANDARCH 591I: S-Sustaining Green Infrastructure Planning & Design

LANDARCH 592A: Plants in Landscape

LANDARCH 661: Cultural Landscapes: Documentation, Values, and Policy

M&I-ENG 570: Solar and Direct Energy Conservation

M&I-ENG 573: Engineering Windpower Systems

M&I-ENG 597WE: Engineering of Offshore Wind Energy Development for Non-Engineers

M&I-ENG 686X: Multi-Criteria Decision Making

M&I-ENG 754: Economic Decision Making

NRC 528: Forest and Wetland Hydrology

NRC 540: Forest Resource Management

NRC 541: Urban Forest Management

NRC 547: Global Change Ecology

NRC 560: Aquatic Ecology

NRC 563: Wetlands, Wildlife, Ecology, and Management

NRC 564: Wildlife Habitat Management

NRC 566: Restoration Ecology

NRC 576: Water Resources Management and Policy

NRC 578: Watershed Science and Management

NRC 579: Cree Culture, Natural Resources, and Sustainability

NRC 581: Wetlands Assessment and Field Techniques

NRC 585: Introduction to GIS

NRC 589: Responding to Climate Change

NRC 590C: Clean Energy and Climate Policy in Massachusetts

NRC 590EC: Analytical Methods for Energy & Climate Policy

NRC 590M: Marine Ecology

NRC 590RE: Restoration Ecology

NRC 590TP: Adapting to Climate Change

NRC 590WS: Wetland Soils

NRC 597: ST-Applied Plant Ecology and Conservation

NRC 597BG: Biomimicry and Green Chemistry for Sustainability

NRC 597EC: Analytical Methods for Energy and Climate Policy

NRC 597EE: Environmental Education

NRC 597EJ: ST - Social Movements & Environmental Justice

NRC 597FS: ST -Sustainable Food Systems

NRC 597GC: ST -Governing the Commons

NRC 597LP: ST -Land Protection Tools & Techniques

NRC 597Q: ST-Environmental Leadership in Practice

NRC 597U: ST-Greenhouse Gas Inventory Methods with Application to the University

NUTRITN 572: Community Nutrition

NUTRITN 575: Culture, Nutrition & Health

NUTRITN 577: Nutrition Problems in US

NUTRITN 578: Nutrition Problems in the Developing World

POLISCI 797E: ST-Powering Development: Water, Energy and Environment

REGIONPL 558: Issues in Environmental Management

REGIONPL 574: City Planning

REGIONPL 575: Environmental Law and Resource Management

REGIONPL 577: Urban Policies

REGIONPL 580: Sustainable Cities

REGIONPL 582: Landscape and Green Urbanism

REGIONPL 585: Planning for Climate Change

REGIONPL 587: People and the Environment

REGIONPL 591I: S-Sustaining Green Infrastructure Planning & Design

REGIONPL 591P: Low Carbon Cities

REGIONPL 597P: ST- Housing Policy in the U.S.

REGIONPL 597S: ST- Scenario Planning

REGIONPL 620: Quantitative Methods In Planning

REGIONPL 625: Intro to GIS

REGIONPL 630: Theory & Practice of Public Participation

REGIONPL 651: Planning History & Theory

REGIONPL 652: Tools & Tech in Planning

REGIONPL 673: Spatial Analysis & Regional Development

RES-ECON 720: Environmental and Resource Economics

RES-ECON 731: Agricultural Production Economics

SCH-MGMT 640: Corporate Finance

SCH-MGMT 758: Supply Chain Management

SPP 601: Politics and Policy Process

SPP 602: Public Management

SPP 604: Program&Policy Eval

SPP 605: Economics & Public Policy

SPP 697EV: ST-Environmental Policy

SPP 697NL: ST -Nonprofit Law and Management

SPP 697SE: ST -Social and Environmental Enterprise

STOCKSCH 505: General Plant Pathology

STOCKSCH 525: Mycology

STOCKSCH 530: Plant Nutrition

STOCKSCH 575: Environmental Soil Chemistry

STOCKSCH 596: Independent Study – Permaculture Design Certification with Sowing Solutions

STOCKSCH 597F: Intermediate Soil Science

STOCKSCH 597S: ST-Advanced Community Food Systems

STOCKSCH 597SA: Sustainable Aquaculture

STOCKSCH 597W: Artificial Treatment Wetlands

STOCKSCH 650: Global Challenges in Agriculture and Environment

STOCKSCH 687: Phyto/Bioremediation

STOCKSCH 691S: S- Research in Sustainable Soil Management

STOCKSCH 692B: S-Soils & Climate Change

SUSTCOMM 533: Urban Greening Theory & Practice

SUSTCOMM 574: City Planning

WGSS 692J: Feminism and Environmental Justice