
College Work-Study
Work-study is a need-based federal program that may be a part of a student’s financial aid package. The program provides students with part-time employment opportunities in a variety of on- and off-campus jobs, with awards (maximum earnings) that range from $1,500-1,800. With a work-study job, students are paid bi-weekly, based on the hours worked. These funds are to help offset personal expenses and other educational costs, such as books or travel home. Students are responsible for their own job search, but the Student Employment Office (SEO) provides an extensive list of job openings outside their office, 243 Whitmore Administration Building, and on their website: www.umass.edu/umfa/seo/.

Non Work-Study
Students who do not qualify for work-study can still take advantage of the Student Employment Office’s extensive list of on- and off-campus temporary, part-time, and seasonal jobs to help meet educational costs. Jobs are posted outside the SEO office as well as on the Financial Aid Services home page, and these are updated weekly. The university is the largest employer of students in Western Massachusetts, with over 7,000 students earning more than $10 million during the academic year. In addition, the SEO helps 2,000 student find off-campus employment every year. For further information, contact the SEO, tel. (413) 545-1530 or visit their website: www.umass.edu/umfa/seo/.

Alternative Financing Options
Many Alternative Loan programs are available; however, all students should file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and wait to receive the financial aid for which they are eligible before considering alternative financing options. Parents and students should first take advantage of less expensive federal loans, as they offer better terms and repayment options. Students who need to apply for alternative loans to finance all or a portion of their undergraduate education should consider applying with a cosigner, which usually results in a slightly lower rate than that available to applicants on their own.

Additional information on alternative financing options, including a monthly payment plan, is available on the Financial Aid website: www.umass.edu/umfa.

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