The Major

The major provides the foundation for applications in an ever-increasing array of emerging and established areas such as medical genetic diagnostics, pharmaceutical design, neurobiology, bioinformatics, genomics, nano-technology, and paleontology. Career opportunities for students trained in this discipline are vast. The highly integrated curriculum prepares students either for employment at the B.S. level or for further training in professional or graduate schools. Majors receive fundamental instruction in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics, and begin their introduction to biochemistry in the sophomore year. The program also encourages students to engage in independent research work in faculty laboratories. A strong high school background in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics is recommended.


Students are required to meet with their academic adviser to discuss course selections.

Foundational Courses:

  • Bio 151, Bio 152, Bio 153
  • Chem 111 and 112 (Chem 121H and 122H for Honors)
  • Math 127/131, Math 128/132

Core Courses:

  • Biochem 285, Prerequisites: Bio 152 AND Chem 112/122H
  • Chem 261, Chem 262, Chem 269 (Lab)
  • Stats 240 or equivalent, Math 233 can be substituted
  • Physics 131/151 and Physics 132/152

Upper-Level Courses:

  • Biochem 311 (Genetics) - Spring only OR Biol 311 (Genetics)
  • Biochem 376 (Introductory Biochem Lab). Prerequisite: Biochem 285
  • Biochem 394RI (Real World Biochem & MoleclBio). Prerequisite: Biochem 285
  • Biochem 423 (General Biochemistry I). Prerequisites: Chem 261 and 262
  • Biochem 424 (General Biochemistry II). Prerequisites: Biochem 423
  • Biochem 426 (Advanced Biochem Lab). Prerequisites: Biochem 376 and Biochem 423
  • Biochem 471 (Physical Chemistry). Prerequisites: Chem 112/122H AND Physics 132/152/182 AND Math 128/132
  • Biochem 430H (Science Writing). Prerequisites: Biochem 423
  • Advanced Elective Requirements: Minimum total of 8 CREDITS not including courses required for the BMB major or Practica courses. Independent Study/Research credits may be counted as advanced elective credits.

GPA Requirements

Students in BMB must have a cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher in MATH 127, MATH 128, CHEM 111, and CHEM 112 (or equivalent courses) by the end of the third semester as a BMB major. Students may not repeat more than two courses required for the major in the first 3 semesters as a BMB major. Students will be discontinued from the BMB major and advised to transfer into another undergraduate major if they do not meet these qualifications, although students can petition to return into the major if they improve their performance.

BMB majors must earn grades of “C-” or better in all upper level BIOCHEM courses in order for those courses to count toward graduation. BMB majors must earn grades of “C” or better in BIOLOGY 151, BIOLOGY 152 and BIOLOGY 153 as well as grades of “C-” or better in both CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 (or equivalents courses) before taking BIOCHEM 285. BMB majors must also achieve a grade of “B-” or better in BIOCHEM 285 before taking any subsequent BIOCHEM courses.

Independent Study/Research and Advanced Elective courses

To graduate, BMB majors must have a total of 8 credits of Advanced Electives earned by working on Independent Research in a lab and/or by taking approved advanced elective science and/or math courses numbered 300 and above.