The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

196 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr

285 Cellular & Molecular Biology (both sem)

296 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr

311 Molecular Genetics and Genomics (spring sem)

320 Elementary Biochemistry (both sem)

321 Elementary Biochemistry Laboratory (spring sem) 2 cr

376 Introductory Biochemistry Lab (both sem)

394RI Integrative Experience (both sem)

396 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr

398A Practicum (both sem) 2-6 cr

423/523 General Biochemistry (both sem)

424 General Biochemistry (both sem)

426 Biochemistry Laboratory (both sem) 4 cr

430H Senior Honors Seminar (both sem)

471 Elementary Physical Chemistry (both sem)

496 Independent Study (both sem) 1-6 cr

498A Practicum (both sem) 2-18 cr

498Y Practicum (year long) 2-18 cr

499T Honors Thesis (both sem) 3-6 cr

499P Honors Research (both sem) 3-6 cr

623 Advanced General Biochemistry (spring sem) 4cr

642 Advanced Molecular Biology (fall sem) 4 cr

657 Drug Design (spring sem)

681-688 Biochemistry Journal Clubs (per instructor) 1cr