The Major

The curriculum leading to a Bachelor's degree in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences is designed to provide the undergraduate student with a broad introductory background to the normal processes of speech, hearing, language, and related functions, as well as a basic understanding of communication disorders and a familiarization with various approaches to their assessment and treatment. The Bachelor's program does not provide (nor is it designed to provide) the student with all of the necessary competencies that allow for employment within the professions of Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology. The curriculum does provide the necessary academic preparation for graduate study in Speech/Language Pathology or Audiology which is the level of preparation where the achievement of professional competencies is the primary goal of course study and supervised practicum.

Students are strongly advised to consult the academic advisor about the content and sequence of their curriculum, especially where the choice and sequencing of electives are concerned.


Departmental Requirements

  • SLHS 100 Introduction to Communication Disorders – (DU SB)
  • SLHS 211 Anatomy and Physiology I: The Speech and Hearing Mechanism
  • SLHS 212 Anatomy and Physiology II: Neurological Bases of Speech, Language, and Hearing
  • SLHS 213 Phonetic Processing
  • SLHS 214 Introduction to Hearing Science
  • SLHS 215 Introduction to Language Science
  • SLHS 301 Speech and Language Development - (IE)
  • SLHS 312 Introduction to Speech Science
  • SLHS 313 Introduction to Audiology
  • SLHS 330 Junior Year Writing
  • SLHS 316 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation
  • SLHS 415 Speech and Language Disorders

One 3-credit elective numbered 398 or above from Departmental offerings (excluding 496 Independent Study)

Extra-Departmental Requirements

  • SPHHS 150 Great Challenges in Public Health and Health Science (DU SB)
  • PHYSICS 114 Theory of Sound
  • PSYCH 350 Developmental Psychology or HUMANDEV 270 Child Development
  • Statistics course (see advisor)


  • SLHS 398 Practicum
  • SLHS 416 Clinical Procedures
  • SLHS 420 Clinical Observations
  • SLHS 490A Hearing Health and Society
  • SLHS 530 Neurological Substrates and Neuropathologies of Language, Speech and Hearing
  • SLHS 540 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • SLHS 580 Cognitive Bases of Language Functions
  • SLHS 591D S-Treatment Technology in Communication Disorders
  • SLHS 591E S-SLP Assistants in the School

Total number of credits required for the major in Communication Disorders is 54.

Suggested Schedule

Fall or Spring
SLHS 100 Introduction to Communication Disorders
SPHHS 150 Great Challenges in Public Health and Health Science
PSYCH 350 Developmental Psychology or HUMANDEV 270 Child Development
General Education Requirements, including introductory coursework in Biology or Kinesiology

SLHS 211 Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism
SLHS 215 Introduction to Language Science
PHYSICS 114 Theory of Sound
Non-departmental electives (2)

SLHS 211 Anatomy and Physiology II: Neurological Bases of Speech, Language, and Hearing
SLHS 213 Phonetic Processing
SLHS 214 Introduction to Hearing Science
Non-departmental electives (2)

SLHS 301 Speech and Language Development
SLHS 313 Introduction to Audiology
SLHS 330 Writing in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology
Non-departmental electives

SLHS 312 Introduction to Speech Science
SLHS 316 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation 
SLHS 330 Writing in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (if not taken in the fall)
Non-departmental electives
Statistics course

SLHS 330 Writing in Com Dis (if not taken in the Junior year)
SLHS 415 Speech and Language Disorders
SLHS 420 Clinical Observation
Departmental electives
Non-departmental electives

SLHS 420 Clinical Observation (if not taken previously)
Departmental electives
Non-departmental electives