The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 Introduction to Communication Disorders (4 credits, offered both sem)

110 American Sign Language I (fall sem)

120 American Sign Language II (spring sem)

211 Anatomy and Physiology I: The Speech and Hearing Mechanism (1st sem)

212 Anatomy and Physiology II: Neurological Bases of Speech, Language, and Hearing (2nd sem)

213 Phonetic Processing (2nd sem)

214 Introduction to Hearing Science (2nd sem)

215 Introduction to Language Science (1st sem)

230 American Sign Language III (fall sem)

240 American Sign Language IV (spring sem)

301 Speech and Language Development (1st sem)

312 Introduction to Speech Science (2nd sem)

313 Introduction to Audiology (1st sem)

316 Introduction to Aural Rehabilitation (2nd sem)

330 Writing in Communication Disorders (both sem)

415 Speech and Language Disorders (1st sem)

416 Clinical Procedures (1st sem)

420 Clinical Observations (both sem)

490A Hearing Health and Society (2nd sem)

530 Neurological Substrates and Neuropathologies of Language, Speech, and Hearing (1st sem)

540 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (1st sem)

570 Research in Communication Disorders (1st sem)

580 Cognitive Bases of Language Functions (2nd sem)

591D S-Treatment Technology in Communication Disorders (2nd sem)

591E S-SLP Assistants in the School (2nd sem)