Career Opportunities

The English major emphasizes clear writing, careful reading, analytical thought, and creative problem solving, all of which are required and sought after in today’s job market. College graduates with a degree in English can enter a wide variety of career fields: business, education, technical writing, public affairs, human services, writing and editing, publishing, or politics. Alternately, students may continue their education in Ph.D. and graduate programs in creative writing, information science, medicine, languages, education, law, and other fields. With this flexibility of career fields also comes a broad range of potential employers. English majors can work for public and private schools, colleges, universities, libraries, nonprofit organizations, television stations, newspapers, government agencies, publishing companies, magazines, broadcasting companies, law firms, and trade, professional, and consumer publications. The Department also actively encourages majors to meet with HFA Advising & Career Center career counselors and to pursue internship opportunities during their time at the University. To help students with career development, we collaborate with the HFA Advising & Career Center on panels and other events, bring alums to campus, and every semester offer a small careers workshop.