The Courses

(All courses carry 3 or 4 credits unless otherwise noted.)

115 The American Experience (ALDU)

116 Native American Literature (ALDU)

117 Ethnic American Literature (ALDU)

120 English Composition

131 Society and Literature (ALDG)

132 Gender, Sexuality, Literature, and Culture (ALDG)

140 Reading Fiction (AL)

141 Reading Poetry (AL)

142 Reading Drama (AL)

144 World Literature in English (ALDG)

146 Living Writers (ALDU)

190N Environment, Climate Change, and the Humanities

196 Independent Study 1-6 cr

200 Introduction to Literary Studies

201 Early British Literature and Culture

202 Later British Literature and Culture

203 The Bible: Myth, Society and Literature

204 Introduction to Asian American Literature (IDU)

205 Introduction to Postcolonial Studies

221 Shakespeare (AL)

222 Shakespeare (AL)

254 Writing and Reading Imaginative Literature (AL)

258 Intro to Performance Studies (AT)

268 American Literature & Culture Before 1865

269 American Literature & Culture After 1865

271 Early American Literature

272 American Romanticism

273 American Realism

279 Introduction to American Studies (ALDU)

291 Seminars

296 Independent Study 1-6 cr

297 Special Topics

298 Practicum 1-15 cr

298H Practicum: Teach at the Writing Center

300 Advanced Junior-Year Seminar

301 History of the Book

302 Studies/Textuality & New Media

307 Modernism and Its Others

311 Legends of Arthur

313 Introduction to Old English Poetry

314 Middle English Literature

315 Speculative Fiction

317 (Dis)ability and Literature

318 Advanced Old English Poetry

319 Representing the Holocaust (ALDG)

326 Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama

329H Tutoring Writing: Theory and Practice

332 Feminist Literature

338 Restoration and 18th Century Literature

339 Film and Literature

341 Autobiography Studies

343 English Epic Tradition

348 Rise of the Novel

349 Nineteenth Century British Fiction

350 Expository Writing

353 Expository Writing

354 Creative Writing: Introduction

355 Creative Writing: Fiction

356 Creative Writing: Poetry

358 Romantic Poets

359 Victorian Imagination

361 Modern Novel: 1900-1945

362 Modern Novel: 1945-Present

363 Modern British Drama

364 Modern European Drama

365 The Literature of Ireland (AL)

366 Modern Poetry

367 Contemporary Poetry

368 Modern American Drama (AL)

369 Studies in Modern Fiction (AL)

371 African American Literature

372 Caribbean Literature

373 American Indian Literature

374 20th Century American Literature

375 American Poetry

376 American Fiction

378 American Women Writers

379 Introduction to Professional Writing

380 Professional Writing and Technical Communication I

381 Professional Writing and Technical Communication II

382 Professional Writing and Technical Communication III

385 Creative Writing Nonfiction

386 Studies in Writing & Culture

388 Rhetoric, Writing & Society

391AC Multilingual Writing & Global Language Change

391AD The Personal Essay

391AG Writing the Graphic Novel

391AJ Writing for a Living

391C Advanced Software for Professional Writing

391CT Chaucer, Tales & the Birth of  England

391D Writing & Emerging Technologies

391E Creative Writing: Screenplay

391S Doing Digital

391SG Shakespeare's Global Afterlives

396 Independent Study 1-6 cr

412 History of the English Language

416 Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

421 Advanced Shakespeare

437 Milton

450 Advanced Expository Writing

468 James Joyce

469 Victorian Monstrosity

470 Individual British Authors

480 Aspects of American Literature

481 Individual American Authors

491-495 Seminars

491A Neruda in Translation

491AC The Major and Beyond: Career Exploration (2-3 credits)

491AS Arabian Nights in World Literature

491JM US Literature in a Global Context

492D Children's Literature

492N Nature, Climate Change, and Literature

496 Independent Study 1-6 cr

499 Capstone Course

502 Introduction to Old English

505 Beowulf

591 Seminar: Advanced Imaginative Writing