The Major


Students majoring in Earth Systems Science complete courses in geology, geography, environmental science and several other supporting STEM disciplines.

All students majoring in Earth Systems Science are required to maintain a 2.000 average for all upper-division courses taken to fulfill degree requirements. The Junior Year Writing requirement is fulfilled by GEOL 307 Geologic Writing or NatSi 387 CNS Junior Writing. The Integrative Experience is fulfilled by GEOL 394LI.

B.S. Degree in Earth Systems

The Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Systems Science provides students with a strong understanding of the Earth’s major systems - geosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere – and the important ways in which these systems are linked. Emphasis is placed on the ways these systems intersect with human activities. The degree is suitable for students interested in the interface of earth science and related fields, and in issues related to the long-term management and sustainability of the planet.

Earth Systems Core Courses (minimum 28 credits):

Required courses:

  • GEOG 102 – Human Geography: Diversity, Globalization & Sustainability
  • GEOL 231 – Methods in Geosciences
  • GEOL 351 – Skills and Methods in Earth History Studies Lab
  • GEOL 394LI – Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment*
  • GEOGRAPH 354 – Climate Dynamics

Choose one of:

  • GEOGRAPH 110   Intro to Climate Science
  • GEOL 101 – The Earth
  • GEOL 103 – Intro Oceanography
  • GEOL 105 – Dynamic Earth

Choose one of:

  • GEOGRAPH 356 – Climate Crisis
  • GEOGRAPH 420 – Political Ecology
  • GEOSCI 552 – Climate Impacts & Solutions
  • GEOSCI 558 – Paleoclimatology
  • or other approved GEOSCI climate courses

Choose one of:

  • GEOL 319 – Environmental Geochemistry
  • GEOL 415 – Global Chem & Environment Cycles
  • GEOSCI 519 – Environmental Geochemistry
  • or other approved GEOSCI geochemistry courses

Choose one of:

  • GEOGRAPH 426 – Remote Sensing
  • GEOGRAPH 468 – GIS & Spatial Analysis
  • GEOGRAPH 585 – Intro GIS
  • GEOSCI 587 – Hydrogeology
  • or other approved GEOSCI or GEOGRAPH advanced skills courses

* fulfills Integrative Experience requirement

Supporting Science Courses (minimum 31 credits):

  • CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 112 – General Chemistry II
  • MATH 127 or MATH 131 – Calculus I
  • MATH 128 or MATH 132 – Calculus II
  • PHYSICS 131 or PHYSICS 151 – Intro Physics I
  • PHYSICS 132 or PHYSICS 152 – Intro Physics II
  • NATSCI 387 – Junior Year Writing

Choose two of:

  • ENVSCI 101 – Intro to Environmental Science
  • STOCKSCH 108 – Introductory Botany
  • BIOL 108 – Biodiversity
  • BIOL 110 – Intro Bio for Science Majors
  • BIOL 151 – Intro Bio I

Electives (12 credits):

Choose from 300- and 400-level GEOLOGY courses, 500- and 600-level GEOSCI courses, and 300- to 600-level GEOGRAPHY courses in physical geography and GIST, or approved courses from other programs in the College of Natural Science.