Minor in Climate Science

The minor in Climate Science requires 17 credits and comprises 5 courses drawn from regular offerings in the Department of Earth, Geographic, & Climate Science: two 100-level intro courses, one 300-level core course, and two advanced courses chosen from a list of eight. Note that university regulations preclude students from applying more than two classes to two credentials, so only two courses in a student’s major can be counted toward the climate science minor and vice versa.


  1. GEOGRAPH 110 – Introduction to Climate Science (4 cr)
  2. GEOL 103 – Introduction to Oceanography (4 cr)
  3. GEOGRAPH 354 – Climate Dynamics (3 cr; GEOGRAPH 110 is prerequisite)
  4. Two of the following eight courses:
    GEOL 394LI – Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment (3 credits), prerequisites: GEOGRAPH 110 or GEOL 101 or GEOL 103 or GEOL 105; fulfills Integrative Experience for Earth Systems, Geology and Environmental Science majors
    GEOL 494LI – Living on Earth (3 credits) no prerequisites, fulfills Integrative Experience for Environmental Science majors
    GEOG 356 - Climate Crisis (3 credits) no prerequisites
    GEOSCI 552 - Climate Change Impacts and Solutions (3 credits). prerequisites: GEOGRAPH 110 or GEOL 103
    GEOSCI 554 – Ocean Dynamics (3 credits). prerequisites: MATH 128 or 132, and PHYSICS 131
    GEOSCI 556 – Climate & Earth System Modeling (3 credits). prerequisites: MATH 128 or 132, and PHYSICS 131
    GEOSCI 558 – Paleoclimatology (3 credits). prerequisites: GEOGRAPH 110 and GEOGRAPH 354
    GEOSCI 559 - Paleoceanography (3 credits). prerequisites: GEOGRAPH 110 or GEOL 103 

Note: All students minoring in Climate Science are required to maintain a 2.000 average for all courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements.