The Major

Middle Eastern Studies at the University is an innovative, interdisciplinary major. The major consists of a wide range of introductory and upper-level courses in Arabic language, the history and archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa, and offerings in Islamic culture, art, law, and political theory.


  1. HISTORY 130 and 131. Students may substitute MIDEAST 151 or SPP 151 for History 131.
  2. Two years of a language of the region, normally fulfilled by two-year Modern Standard Arabic classroom sequence at UMass (101, 102, 201 and 202 OR 126, 146, 226 and 246) or the two-year Hebrew sequence at UMass (110, 120, 230, 240)
  3. 24 upper-level credits in Middle Eastern Studies courses offered by the Five College consortium. Approved 200-level courses, 300-level courses and above count towards this requirement. Students may take eight 3-credit courses OR six 4-credit courses OR any combination of the two to fulfill this requirement.
  4. Junior Year Writing requirement (minimum 3 credits). MIDEAST 389, OR topically relevant HIST 450 sections (4 credits), or approved JYW courses in other departments. Approved Junior Year Writing courses will count toward 24 upper-level requirement.
  5. Integrative Experience seminar (minimum 3 credits). Relevant JNE courses, OR HIST 394AI or HIST 394TI, OR approved IE courses in other departments. Approved Integrative Experience courses will count toward 24 upper-level requirement.


  • A GPA of 2.0 is required in the courses used to satisfy the above requirements.
  • Courses taken pass/fail or with a grade lower than C- do not count toward major requirements.
  • Departmental Internships are pass/fail and do not satisfy major requirements.
  • Departmental Honors require an Honors project undertaken during a student's final year.