The Courses

Please visit our website for the most recent version of the Middle Eastern Studies course list, including Five College classes approved to count towards the major.

Arabic Language & Literature Courses

ARABIC 101, 102 Elementary Four-Skilled Arabic I & II
ARABIC 126, 146 Elementary Arabic I & II
ARABIC 201, 202 Intermediate Four-Skilled Arabic I & II
ARABIC 226, 246 Intermediate Arabic I & II
ARABIC 301, 302 Advanced Four-Skilled Arabic I & II
ARABIC 360 Arabic and Hebrew in Their Social Settings

Middle Eastern Studies Courses

MIDEAST 151 Water, Oil and Blood: The Middle East in Global Policy (DG, SB)
MIDEAST 189 Culture & Immigration in Israel (DG, HS)
MIDEAST 190 STA Persian 101: Elementary Persian (Farsi)
MIDEAST 190B Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Middle East
MIDEAST 220 The Middle East and the World: 1400-1800 (DG, HS)
MIDEAST 233 Sex, Bodies, Gender in the Middle East (DG, HS)
MIDEAST 245 Environmental History of the Middle East (DG, HS) 
MIDEAST 251 Classical Arabic Literature in Translation: The Desert, the Gazelle, and the Moon
MIDEAST 290STB Persian 201: Intermediate Persian (Farsi)
MIDEAST 310 Classical Arabic Literature in Translation
MIDEAST 313 Mythology of Ancient Persia
MIDEAST 321 History of Shi'i Islam
MIDEAST 326 Sustainability in Comparative Religious Perspective (DG, HS)
MIDEAST 328 Mediterranean Mosaic (DG, HS)
MIDEAST 344 Film and Society in Israel (AT, DG)
MIDEAST 351 Crossing Borders in Israel/Palestine
MIDEAST 357 Israeli Television, Global Reach (AT, DG)
MIDEAST 360 Arabic & Hebrew in their Social Settings
MIDEAST 361 Sufism: Islamic Mystical Tradition
MIDEAST 362 Religion and Politics in the Early Modern Middle East (DG, HS) 
MIDEAST 377 Israel/Palestine through Film and Pop Culture (AT, DG)
MIDEAST 389 Junior Year Writing: Topics in Middle Eastern Studies
MIDEAST 390B Borderlands of Islam
MIDEAST 391A Islamic Society and Culture in the Middle Ages
MIDEAST 391PT Medieval Political Thought
MIDEAST 392MA Modern Arab Political Thought
MIDEAST 392P Islamic Political Thought: From Revelation to Revolution
MIDEAST 392T Medieval Arabic Travel Literature 
MIDEAST 393R Islamic Political Thought
MIDEAST 420 Philosophy in the Islamic Civilization
MIDEAST 491C Classical Arabic Seminar: Arabic Historiography
MIDEAST 497B Bad Fences: Trauma, Memory, and Desire in Israeli & Palestinian Cinemas

ANTHRO 350 Ancient Cultures of the Middle East
ANTHRO 397FF Archaeology of Egypt & Nubia
ANTHRO 498F Archaeology, Survey and Conservation

ART-HIST 347, 348 Islamic Art & Architecture I & II

COMPLIT 261H Modern Arabic Literature (AL)

HISTORY 130 Middle East History I (DG, HS)
HISTORY 131 Middle East History II (DG, HS)
HISTORY 321 History of Shi'i Islam
HISTORY 343H Modern Middle East
HISTORY 394AI Age of the Crusades (IE)
HISTORY 394TI Mongol & Turkish Empires (IE)
HISTORY 397AH Regional History: Mediterranean Since 1500
HISTORY 450 Junior Year Writing: Islamic Movements in History

LEGAL 393LG Seminar - Law & Global Migration

POLSCI 255 United States Foreign Policy
POLSCI 275 Global Political Thought
POLSCI 394AI Modern Islamic Political Thought