The Major

Updates to the curriculum are under consideration. For the latest information, consult the department.

The major in Kinesiology builds on a foundation of basic science in the areas of biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, and statistics. Kinesiology courses apply these foundation requirements to the scientific study of human movement.


School Requirement (4 cr)

Students who declare Kinesiology starting Fall 2022 and later will be required to take SPHHS 150 Great Challenges in Public Health and Health Science (4 credits). A grade of D or better is required.

Preparatory Requirements (22 cr)

  • CHEM 111 General Chemistry for Science Majors*
  • KIN 100 Introduction to Kinesiology^+
  • KIN 110 Human Performance and Nutrition^+
  • MATH 127 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences I*
  • MATH 128 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences II
  • PHYSICS 131 Introductory Physics I (with lab)*

*These courses are included in the Continuation Policy and require a cumulative GPA of 2.5.

Pre-Medical, Pre-Dental, and students interested in pursuing Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physicians Assistant, Chiropractic, Nursing, and other graduate programs may have additional science requirements.  Please check requirements for any graduate programs you may be interested in.

Notes on the above courses:

  1. A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required to pass the above courses.
  2. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better in Calculus I, Chemistry and Physics is required to remain in the major. These courses must be completed by the end of the third semester as a Kinesiology major. The Continuation Policy applies to both internal and external transfer students.
  3. Students are strongly encouraged to complete KIN 100 and KIN 110 by the end of their first full year in the major as these courses are prerequisites for many of the KIN major degree requirements.
  4. Students may make the following course substitutions: Physics 151 for Physics 131, Math 131 for Math 127, and Math 132 for Math 128. A grade of C- (1.7) is required for these course substitutions.
  5. Courses Marked with "^" MUST be taken in residence.

Kinesiology Required Courses (36 cr)

  • 236 Neuromechanics of Human Motion^
  • 247 Physical Activity in Health and Disease^
  • 270 Anatomy and Physiology I (with lab)
  • 272 Anatomy and Physiology II (with lab)
  • 355 Writing Seminar in Kinesiology^+
  • 394AI Applying Kin Concepts to Real-World Health Challenges^+
  • 430 Biomechanics^
  • 440 Physical Activity and Public Health^
  • 460 Movement Neuroscience^
  • 470 Exercise Physiology^

One of the following courses: EDUC 240 Introduction to Educational Statistics, PSYCH 240 Statistics in Psychology, PUBHLTH 223 Introduction to Biostatistics, RESECON 212 Introduction to Statistics for Social Science or STAT 240 Introduction to Statistics

Notes on the above courses:

  1. A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required for all of the above courses.
  2. Course marked with + is a General Education Requirement.
  3. Courses marked with "^" MUST be taken in residence.

Kinesiology Electives (6 cr)

Students must select 6 credits from the courses listed below.

  • 201 Introduction to Exercise Psychology
  • 203 Medical Terminology
  • 215 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries
  • 245 Health Fitness Management
  • 301H (Honors) Research Methods/297Q (non-honors) Research Methods
  • 305 Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise
  • 311 Anatomy of Human Motion
  • 340 Exercise Testing and Programming
  • 341 Exercise for Special Populations
  • 343 Principles/Practice of Personal Training and Strength and Conditioning
  • 346 Clinical and Public Health Implications of Obesity
  • 196-496 Independent Study*
  • 398/498 Internship/Practicum*
  • 498F/G Teaching Practicum*

NOTE: KIN 500+ (Graduate level courses) can be used as Kinesiology Electives

Notes on the above courses:

  1. A grade of C- (1.7) or better is required for all of these Elective Courses.
  2. Students may take KIN Research Seminars (295) Independent Study courses (196, 296, 396 and 496), KIN Teaching Practicum (498F/G) and KIN Internship/Practicum (398/398A/498/498Y) to fulfill up to 3 of the required 6 credits of the Kinesiology Electives requirement. The INTERNSHIP/PRACTICUM may be graded or taken on a Pass/Fail basis (if for credit only). All INDEPENDENT STUDIES and TEACHING PRACTICA must be approved by a faculty sponsor during the prior semester, or within the first two weeks of the semester in which the student is taking those courses. Any additional Kinesiology Elective Courses taken above the 6 credit requirement can fulfill the University Requirements for graduation if they are completed successfully.