The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 Introduction to Kinesiology (BS) (both sem) (4 credits)

110 Human Performance and Nutrition (BS) (both sem) (4 credits)

196 Independent Study (both sem)

198 Internship/Practicum (both sem)

201 Introduction to Exercise Psychology (spring sem)

203 Medical Terminology (online) (spring sem)

215 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (both sem)

236 Neuromechanics of Human Motion (spring sem)

245 Health Fitness Management (both sem)

247 Physical Activity in Health and Disease (fall sem)

270 Anatomy and Physiology I (both sem) (4 credits)

272 Anatomy and Physiology II (both sem) (4 credits)

295J Special Topics - Physical Activity Research in Youth I (Fall only)

295K Special Topics - Physical Activity Research in Youth II (Spring only)

295S Special Topics - Current Trends in Physical Activity Research in Pediatrics (both sem)

296 Independent Study (both sem)

298 Internship/Practicum (both sem)

301H Research Methods (spring sem) (honors)

305 Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise (spring sem)

311 Anatomy of Human Motion

341 Exercise Management for Special Populations (spring sem)

343 Principles/Practice of Personal Training and Strength and Conditioning (fall sem)

346 Clinical and Public Health Implications of Obesity 

355 Writing Seminar in Kinesiology (both sem)

394AI Applying Kin Concepts to Real-World Health Challenges (both sem) (4 credits)

396 Independent Study (both sem)

397L Special Topics - Principles and Practice of Skeletal Muscle Experimentation (Spring only)

398 Practicum (both sem)

398A Practicum - Exposure to Sports Medicine (both sem)

430 Biomechanics (both sem)

440 Physical Activity and Public Health (both sem)

460 Movement Neuroscience (both sem)

470 Exercise Physiology (both sem)

496 Independent Study (both sem)

498 Practicum (both sem)

498F Teaching Practicum (fall sem)

498G Teaching Practicum (spring sem)

498Y Practicum (both sem)

499E Research Methodology - Wearable Technologies in Physical Activity (Fall only) (4 credits)

499F Research Methodology, 2nd Semester - Wearable Technologies in Physical Activity & Health (Spring only) (4 credits)

499P Honors Project (both sem)

499T Honors Thesis (both sem)

499Y Honors Research (both sem)