Areas of Concentration

Each Sustainable Community Development student chooses one of the following areas of concentration. Students declare a concentration when they enter the program, but this may be changed later in consultation with an advisor.

Concentration in Built Environment (BE) 

Provides technical language skills for understanding environmental design at the site and building scale, bridging building technology, architecture, and landscape. Aligned with architecture and design fields.

City and Society Concentration (CS)

Builds a broad social science understanding of how neighborhoods, towns, cities, and regions work, and how they can be influenced to better serve a range of social and environmental goals. Aligned with the field of urban planning.

Climate Change and Green Infrastructure Concentration (CCGI) 

Focuses on the ways that cities and buildings can reduce greenhouse gasses, improve livability and resilience, and enhance ecology through design and planning interventions.

Concentration in Landscape Design and Build (LDB)

Provides theoretical and practical knowledge to design and build landscapes in a sustainable way. Designed for students entering the program from the two-year Associate Degree in Landscape Contracting.

Independently Designed Concentration

In consultation with Program Director, it is possible to combine LARP courses from the various standard concentrations to allow a more interdisciplinary focus.