Getting Started

College: SBS

Information below is meant to guide first year students in getting started with this major and choosing appropriate courses. More advanced students interested in this major would also likely start with proposed foundation/pre-requisite courses. Please refer to the Major page located in the left menu to learn about the full major requirements.

How to explore the major

Suggested General Education Courses

All Undergraduates are required to satisfy the General Education Requirements. Guidelines for students are available at Students should choose a wide variety of Gen Ed courses, providing breadth of experience.

The following classes from the core major curriculum are GedEds recommended for freshmen and sophomores interested in exploring the major:

  • SustComm 110 (AT) Transforming Your World: Intro to Community Engagement (Fall)
  • SustComm 140 (SB, DU) Awareness of the Visual Environment (Fall)
  • SustComm 232 (HS, DG) History of Sustainable Community Development (Spring)

The following are GenEd classes that satisfy a concentration requirement and are also appropriate for students interested in the major.

  • SustComm 125 (SB, DG) Global Cities, Global Issues (Spring)
  • SustComm 205 (I, DU) Dynamics of Human Habitation (Spring)
  • SustComm 333 (SB, DU) Intro to Community and Economic Development (Spring)

The first-year seminar is recommended for freshmen enrolled or interested in the SCD major, but is not a major requirement.

  • FYS 191SBS15 First Year Seminar: Dynamics of the Built Environment (Fall)

How to Declare/Change Into the Major

The Sustainable Community Development major is unrestricted, which means any student may declare the major. Students should declare the major no later than spring of sophomore year.

To declare Sustainable Community Development as a primary or secondary major, students should:

  • Email the SCD program director to make an initial advising appointment.
  • Complete the SCD major declaration form and email it to the program director.
  • There are no course prerequisites for declaring the major, but students are encouraged to explore courses in the major before declaring.
  • The declaration form and program handbook are available at

Transfer Students

Students can declare when they enter the university. Meet with an advisor in the major, preferably during a transfer advising session or before the first day of classes. Juniors must see the Program Director before registering for any courses. 

Summary of Requirements for the Major

Minimum total # of credits required: 46-53

Completion of fourteen courses as follows:

  • Eight Core courses (28-29 credits).
  • Six courses in one of the four areas of concentration (18-24 credits): Built Environment, City and Society, Climate Change and Green Infrastructure, Landscape Design and Build.

Refer to the Major page located in the left menu bar to learn more.

Is there a minor? If so, what are the requirements?
Yes!  A minor is available. Refer to the Minor page located in the left menu bar to learn more

For further information, contact:
Peter Dunn
228 Olver Design Building