Getting Started

College: CNS

Information below is meant to guide first year students in getting started with this major and choosing appropriate courses. More advanced students interested in this major would also likely start with proposed foundation/pre-requisite courses. Please refer to the Major Page located in the left menu bar to learn about the full major requirements.

How to Explore the Major

Suggested General Education Courses

All Undergraduates are required to satisfy the General Education Requirements. Guidelines for students, are available at Students should choose a wide variety of Gen Ed courses, providing breadth of experience.

Suggested Major and Pre-requisite Courses

Selecting courses from the following list is recommended:

  • BCT 150 (I) and/or BCT 211 in the Fall semester
  • BCT 204 in the Spring semester
  • MATH 104 (R1) and 121 (R2) (note: take Math 127 for R2 if planning ECON or RES-ECON minor)
  • ECON 103 or RES-ECON 102 (SB)
  • ECON 104 (SB)
  • ENGLWRIT 112 (CW)
  • PHYSICS 131

How to Declare/Change into the Major

For current & admitted students: this major is unrestricted, which means any student may declare the major. Unrestricted majors may still have an entry process such as meeting with an advisor or attending an informational meeting.

Transfer Students

See the BCT Chief Undergraduate Advisor as soon as possible to monitor progress in completing the major.

Summary of Requirements for the Major

Refer to the Major page located in the left menu bar to learn more.

Total # or range of credits required: 55-83 depending on choice of gen eds and professional electives

Is there a minor? If so, what are the requirements?
Yes - A minor is available! Refer to the Minor page located in the left menu bar to learn more.

For further information, contact:
Ho-Sung Kim
Chief Undergraduate Advisor
320 John W. Olver Design Building; 413-545-1970