Department of Environmental Conservation

Department Information - Env Cons [ID: 19329] 

College of Natural Sciences

225 Holdsworth Environmental Conservation

Degree: Bachelor of Science


BS in Building and Construction Technology
BS in Natural Resources Conservation with concentrations in

  • Environmental Conservation
  • Fisheries Ecology & Conservation
  • Forest Ecology & Conservation
  • Urban Forestry & Arboriculture
  • Water Resources
  • Wildlife Ecology & Conservation

BS in Environmental Science offered with the Dept. of Earth, Geographic, and Climate Sciences and the Stockbridge School of Agriculture.

We, in the Department of Environmental Conservation (ECo), are passionate about our mission - the stewardship of healthy and sustainable ecosystems that provide important human and community benefits – and about making a BIG difference in the world. By virtue of this mission, our breadth of expertise, and our inherent ability to reach across disciplines, ECo is uniquely qualified and deeply committed to training the next generation of scholars and practitioners. We prioritize undergraduate education and our students emerge prepared to solve the complex, global challenges of environmental sustainability.

We are the largest and most diverse flagship program in Environmental Conservation, Environmental Science, Sustainability Science, and Building & Construction Technology across all public and private universities in New England. Despite our size, ECo provides a small college atmosphere within a large university. This is because we prioritize the undergraduate experience with high faculty accessibility, individual faculty advising, a student success center for academic and career advising, and a heavy emphasis on experiential learning opportunities with a strong commitment to student-centered teaching. Further, our programs have topical relevance that align with student interests and connect to real-world problems in environmental sustainability. Additionally, the design of our ECo programs provides much sought-after educational flexibility to students with numerous concentrations that allow students to tailor their studies to fit their individual interests in environmental conservation and sustainability. Lastly, our ECo programs offer real-world experiences, both in the classroom and beyond with hands-on training in the field and laboratories, internships, research experiences with faculty, and international and domestic exchanges. Our curricula are designed to meet the certification requirements of professional societies.

Head of Department: Professor Paige S. Warren. Professors: Averill, Bradley, Clouston, Danylchuk, Elkinton, Griffin, Kane, Milman, Randhir, Schweik; Associate Professors: Jordaan, Markowitz, Stinson; Assistant Professors: Cheng, Itter, Komoroske, Musah, Senner; Extension Professors: Breger, Catanzaro; Extension Associate Professors: Harper, Jackson; Extension Assistant Professors: Kahl, Weil; Senior Lecturers: Bowlick, Fiocchi, Fletcher, Henson, Kim, Schreyer; Lecturers: Bezanson, Crow-Miller, Klingler, MacLean, Nelson, Nicolson, Romero, Thomas.