The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 Environment and Society (1st sem) 4 cr

102 Arboriculture Field Techniques I (1st sem) 2 cr

120 Basic Scuba 2 cr

121 Advanced Scuba – Warm Water 2 cr

122 Advanced Scuba – Cold Water 2 cr

126 Insects & Human Society-(2nd sem) 4 cr

160 Forest Fire Control (2nd sem) 1 cr

185 Sustainable Living (2nd sem) 4 cr

191A Seminar in Arboriculture and Park Management (2nd sem) 2 cr

210 Arboriculture Field Techniques II (2nd sem) 2 cr

211 Wildlife Sampling and Identification (1st sem) 2 cr

212 Forest Tree and Shrub Identification (1st sem) 2 cr

213 Arboriculture Field Techniques III (2nd sem ) 2 cr

214 Fish Sampling and Identification (1st sem) 2 cr

225 Forests and People (2nd sem) 3 cr

232 Principles of Arboriculture (1st sem) 3 cr

235 Sensible Pruning (2nd sem) 2 cr

240 Introduction to Quantitative Ecology (1st sem) 3 cr

252 Fundamentals of Applied Ecology (2nd sem) 

260 Fish Conservation and Management (1st sem) 3 cr

261 Wildlife Conservation (2nd sem) 3 cr

275 Trees and Sustainability (1st sem) 3 cr

305 Commercial Arboriculture (1st sem) 3 cr

309 Natural Resource Policy and Administration (2nd sem) 3 cr

310 Community Forestry (2nd sem) 3 cr

333 Principles of Arboriculture II (2nd sem) 2 cr

360 Evolution and Conservation (2nd sem) 3cr

370 Forest Ecology Laboratory (2nd sem)

382 Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (1st sem) 4 cr

390E Evolution and Conservation (2nd sem) 

390G Plant Health Care Diagnostics (2nd sem)

391A Curriculum Planning (2nd sem) 1 cr

394EI Evaluating Environmental Systems (2nd sem)

487 Field Logistics & Expeditionary Science (2nd sem)

492A Verbal Communication (1st sem) 3 cr

494EI Environmental Decision-Making (1st sem) 4 cr

520 Environmental Education: Pathways for Forging the Nature Connection (2nd sem)

525 Governing the Commons (1st sem)

526 Silviculture (1st sem even yrs) 4 cr

528 Forest and Wetland Hydrology (1st sem) 

534 Forest Measurements (1st sem even yrs) 4 cr

540 Forest Resources Management (2nd sem)

541 Urban Forest Management (1st sem) 3 cr

547 Global Change Ecology (1st sem) 

554 Sustainable Food Systems (2nd sem) 3 cr

562 Clean Energy & Climate Policy (2nd sem) 3 cr

563 Wetlands Wildlife Ecology and Management (2nd sem) 2 cr

564 Wildlife Habitat Management (1st sem) 4 cr

565 Dynamics and Management of Wildlife Populations (1st sem) 4 cr

566 Restoration Ecology (2nd sem) 3 cr

567 Vertebrate Ecology (2nd sem) 3 cr

568 Wetland Soils (2nd sem)  2 cr

570 Ecology of Fish (1st sem odd yrs) 4 cr

571 Fisheries Science and Management (1st sem even yrs) 4 cr

572 Insects and Diseases of Forests and Shade Trees (spring sem, even years)

573 Behavioral Ecology and Conservation (1st sem)

575 Case Studies in Land Conservation (2nd sem) 

576 Water Resources Management (1st sem) 3 cr

577 Ecosystem Modeling and Simulation (2nd sem) 

578 Watershed Science and Management (2nd sem) 3 cr

579 Cree Culture, Natural Resources and Sustainability (2nd sem)

580 Conservation Genetics (1st sem even yrs) 

581 Wetlands Assessment and Field Techniques (2nd sem odd yrs)

583 Environmental Leadership/Practice (2nd sem)

584 Ecophysiology (1st sem) 

585 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (both semesters)  4 cr

586 Natural Resources Inventory of Local Lands (2nd sem)

587 Digital Remote Sensing (2nd sem) 

588 WebGIS (2nd sem)

589 Responding to Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation (2nd sem)

590A Advanced Arboriculture (2nd sem)

590AE Aquatic Ecology (1st sem, even years) 

590C Clean Energy and Climate Policy in Massachusetts (2nd sem)

590D Marine Conservation and Policy (1st sem) 4 cr

590M Marine Ecology (1st sem) 4 cr

590IE Invasion Ecology (1st sem)

590TP Adapting to Climate Change: Theories, Policy & Action (2nd sem odd yrs)

592C Streamflow Ecology (1st sem)

596F Independent Study- Insect Pests/Forests & Shade (2nd sem)

598V Vertebrate Ecology Practicum