The Courses

100 Botany for Gardeners 4 cr

101 Insects and Related Forms 2 cr

104 Plant Nutrients 2 cr

105 Soils 4 cr

107 Turfgrass Insects 2 cr

108 Introductory Botany 4 cr

109 Insects of Ornamentals 3 cr

111 Introductory Plant Pathology 2 cr

112 Turfgrass Pathology Lab 2 cr

113 Introductory Pathology Lab 2 cr

117 Agricultural Chemistry 3 cr

118 Introduction to Sustainable Food and Farming 1 cr

119 Designing a Backyard Homestead 3 cr

120 Organic Farming and Gardening 4 cr

165 Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems 3 cr

166 Practical Beekeeping 3 cr

170 Pesticide Certification 1 cr

171 Plagues, Food and People: Ecology of Food and Disease 4 cr

172 Plants in our World 4 cr

186 Introduction to Permaculture 3 cr

190P Personal Wellness for Farmers & Gardeners 3 cr

196 Independent Study 1-6 cr

198F Sustainable Food and Farming Internship 3 cr

198G Sustainable Horticulture Internship 3 cr

198P Permaculture Gardening at UMass 1 cr

198T Turfgrass Internship 3 cr

200 Plant Propagation 3 cr

209 Holistic Fruit Production 3 cr

210 Retail Floral Design 3 cr

211 Pasture Management 3 cr

230 Introductory Turfgrass Management 4 cr

234 Irrigation and Drainage 2 cr

255 Herbaceous Plants 3 cr

258 Urban Agriculture 3 cr

268 Small Farm Husbandry: Cows, Sheep & Goats for Meat Production 3 cr

269 Small Farm Husbandry: Pigs & Poultry 3 cr

275 Turfgrass Physiology and Ecology 3 cr

280 Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants 4 cr

284 Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms 3 cr

286 Permaculture Design and Practice 3 cr

289 Forest Gardens: Perennial Agriculture for Ecological Regeneration 3 cr

296 Independent Study 1-6 cr

296T Stockbridge School Teaching Experience 1-2 cr

298 Practicum 1-6 cr

298A Agricultural Practicum 1-6 cr

298FS USDA Farm Services Agency Practicum 1-5 cr

298G Gardenshare Practicum 1 cr

298P Permaculture Practicum 1-6 cr

310 Principles of Weed Management 3 cr

315 Greenhouse Management 4 cr

320 Organic Vegetable Production 3 crf

326 Insect Biology 3 cr

335 Principles and Practices of Greenhouse Cultivation 4 cr

340 Advanced Turfgrass Management 3 cr

354 Nonprofit Management of Community-based Farming Programs 3 cr

355 Community Food Systems 3 cr

356 Food Justice and Policy 3 cr

358 Social Permaculture 3 cr

360 Landscape Plant Production 4 cr

365 Hydroponics 3 cr

370 Tropical Agriculture 3 cr

376 Student Farm Management I: Planning and Production 3 cr

378 Introductory Agroecology 3 cr

379 Agricultural Systems Thinking 3 cr

382 Professional Development in Sustainable Food and Farming 3 cr

384 Introduction to Plant Physiology 3 cr

386 Sustainable Site Design & Planning 3 cr

387 Global Food Systems 3 cr

390A Plant Biotechnology and Tissue Culture 4 cr

390G Sustainable Grape Production 3 cr

391B Turfgrass Science & Management 1 cr

396 Independent Study 1-6 cr

398 Practicum 1-12 cr

398E Farm Enterprise Practicum 3-6 cr

398G Greenhouse Practicum 1-18 cr

398T Turf Practicum 1-12 cr

476 Student Farm Management II 3 cr

485 Sustainable Food and Farming Capstone 3 cr

490S Soil Ecology

494I Global Issues in Applied Biology 3 cr

496 Independent Study 1-6 cr

496A Independent Study-Plant Science 1-6 cr

496B Independent Study-Soil Science 1-6 cr

496C Independent Study-Teaching Assistant 1-6 cr

496D Independent Study-Insect Science 1-6 cr

498 Practicum 1-12 cr

498E Farm Enterprise Practicum II 1-6 cr

505 General Plant Pathology 3 cr

506 General Plant Pathology Lab 1 cr

510 Management & Ecology of Plant Diseases 3 cr

515 Microbiology of the Soil 3 cr

523 Plant Stress Physiology 3 cr

525 Mycology 4 cr

530 Plant Nutrition 4 cr

535 Diagnostic Plant Physiology 4 cr

545 Postharvest Biology 4 cr

565 Soil Form & Classification 4 cr

572 Nematology 4 cr

575 Environmental Soil Chemistry 4 cr

580 Soil Fertility 3 cr

581 Integrated Pest Management 4 - 5 cr

585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water, and Sediment 3 cr

586 Soil Biogeochemistry 3 cr

587 Phyto/Bioremediation 3 cr

591A Plant Biotech Journal Club 1 cr

597M Topics in Turf Pathology