Career Opportunities

Education/Teaching: Elementary, high school and college-level teaching, English as a Second Language in the U.S. and abroad, textbook and educational policy writing, graduate school.

Business: Banks, branding, travel organizations, consulting, publishing houses, corporate communications, shipping firms, human resources, sales organizations, advertising agencies, literary agent, film and television industry, public relations firms, multi-media production, online market research, marketing, real estate broker, IT.

Government Agencies: Foreign service researcher or writer, diplomatic corps, archivist, public relations or civilian support for military installations abroad, cultural affairs consultant, Peace Corps/Vista member.

Professional: Librarian, archivist, minister, paralegal, lawyer specializing in international law or international labor relations, medical practitioner, public health, foreign correspondent, journalism.

Arts: Artist/writer (freelance, speech, technical, translation), editor, arts management, theater industry, consultant, museum researcher, and curator.