The Courses

(All courses carry 4 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 International Horror (AL DG)

121 International Short Story (AL)

122 Spiritual Autobiography (AL DG)

130 Translation Matters (AL DG)

131 Brave New World (AL DG)

133 Introduction to Science Fiction (AL DU)

141 Good and Evil (AL DG)

144 War Stories (AL DG)

170 Introduction to Film Analysis: Cinematic Time Travel (AT)

212 Literary Animals (AL)

231 Comedy (AL)

233 International Fantasy (AL)

236 Digital Culture (I) 

319 Representing the Holocaust (AL DG)

320H Irish Writers and Cultural Context (AL)

330 Translation, Cross-Cultural Commnication, and the Media  (AL DG)

335 Comic Art in North America (AT DU)

336 International Graphic Novel (AL DG)

337 International History of Animation (AT DG)

339 International Crime, Mystery, and Detective Fiction (AL DG)

340 Mystical Literature (AL DG)

345 Legends of King Arthur (AL)

350 International Film (AT)

351 Crossing Borders in Israel/Palestine (AL DG)

355 Modern African Literature  (AL DG)

357 Junior Year Writing: Writing Matters (Fall Semester) (3 credits)

360 Dreams, Visions, and the Supernatural (3 credits)

361 Modern Arabic Literature (AL)

381 Self-Reflective Avant-Garde Film (AT)

382 Cinema and Psyche (AT)

383 Narrative Avant-Garde Film (AT)

391CA On Cannibalism (3 credits) 

391SF International Science Fiction Cinema (3 credits)

394TI Literary Theory and Criticism (IE)

481 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation: Research and Practice I (Fall Semester) (3 credits)

482 Introduction to Interpreting and Translation: Research and Practice II (Spring Semester) (3 credits)

551 Translation and Technology (3 credits)

592A Medieval Women Writers (3 credits)