The Courses

101 Introduction to Environmental Science

191A Intro Seminar I

194A Intro Seminar II

197D ST-Foundations of Sustainability

213 Introduction to Environmental Policy

214 Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Global Change

294A Career & Curriculum Planning Seminar

297F ST-Environmental Communication II

315 Principles of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

364 Environmental Soil Science 

390J Landscape & Watershed Biogeochemistry

397R Renewable Energy & Sustainability

398 Practicum    

445 Sustainability and Problem-Solving in Environmental Science

452 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response

465 Principles of Environmental Site Assessment

491A Seminar-Going to Grad School

492A Seminar – Jump Starting Your Career

498 Practicum

499T Honors Thesis

499Y Honors Research

515 Microbiology of the Soil

562 Clean Energy and Climate Policy in Massachusetts

564 Environmental Soil Science 

565 Soil Formation and Classification

575 Environmental Soil Chemistry

585 Inorganic contaminants in Soil, Water, and Sediments

587 Phytobioremediation

589 Responding to Climate Change: Mitigation & Adaptation

597B ST-Potable Water: Small & Disadvantaged Communities

597FS ST-Sustainable Food Systems