Special Requirements

Independent Study

Requirements with regard to MARKETNG 496 Special Problems (Independent Study): developing an independent study topic/project is the responsibility of the student; sponsorship of this project is dependent upon its academic value and the ability of a potential sponsoring faculty member to devote sufficient time to the effort. Meeting of the following requirements does not insure that an independent study project will be sponsored:

  1. Students must be marketing majors.
  2. A typed statement elaborating on the purpose of the project and giving an outline of the proposed activity must be submitted to a prospective faculty sponsor.
  3. Students may be asked to meet periodically with the sponsoring faculty member.
  4. In most instances, students will be asked to complete a comprehensive written account of their independent study project.
  5. Acceptance of the sponsorship must be agreed to prior to the end of the add/drop period for the relevant semester. Students are urged to seek a faculty sponsor during the semester prior to the semester during which they desire to enroll in MARKETNG 496.

Internship Policy—MARKETNG 398

An internship activity consists of a student experience in a practical setting. Internships for academic purposes must have an academic value beyond that of practical employment on a part-time or semester basis. Moreover, the internship must have a logical integration with the student’s academic course of study.

The policy of the marketing department is not to give academic credit for work experience. The responsibility of the student is to develop an internship experience that clearly has academic value to the student’s course of study.


  1. Only Marketing Majors may register for MARKETNG 398, and no more than 3 credits will be awarded for this course (mandatory Pass/Fail grade).
  2. Required SCH-MGMT courses and courses in a student’s major may not be taken Pass/Fail with the exception of MARKETNG 398, which cannot count as one elective.
  3. No Marketing Majors may register for MARKETNG 398 more than once.
  4. A marketing faculty sponsor must be found before the end of the add/drop period for the relevant semester. Students are well advised to secure a faculty sponsor during the semester prior to the desired MARKETNG 398 Practicum.


  1. Prepare a typed proposal detailing:
    1. The nature of internship responsibilities;
    2. The academic value of the internship to the student’s program;
    3. The method of evaluation regarding the student’s performance on this academic component. (Note: the department does not accept diaries or logs of the internship experience as a method of evaluation.) It is the student’s responsibility to propose an evaluation plan. While a range of alternatives are acceptable, prior acceptable efforts have included (but have not been limited to) data collection and analysis or an extensive library research report. A faculty member is not restricted to accepting a student’s proposed evaluation method.
  2. Obtain faculty sponsorship — A student must obtain a marketing faculty sponsor who will supervise and evaluate the practicum experience.