The Major



The successful completion of four semester courses in Mandarin Chinese: 126, 246, 326, 327 (24 credits) or the equivalent.

Departmental Requirements

31 credits for the major, distributed as follows:

  1. Required courses (16 credits)
    • 375 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
    • 426 Advanced Modern Chinese I
    • 427 Advanced Modern Chinese II
    • 450 Elementary Classical Chinese
    • One course in pre-modern Chinese (see courses marked below with *)
  2. 9 credits from among the following:
    • 432 Media Chinese
    • 433 Business Chinese
    • 526 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature I
    • 527 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature II
    • 528 Chinese Language in Contexts
    • *555 Classical Chinese Poetry
    • 575 Syntactic Structures of Chinese
    • 576 History of the Chinese Language
    • 580 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language I
    • 581 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language II
    • 568 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
    • *562 Ming-Qing Novel I
    • *570 Traditional Chinese Drama & Performing Arts
    • *563 Ming-Qing Novel II
    • 670 Introduction to Research Chinese Source Materials
  3. 6 credits from among the following:
    • 136 Introduction to Chinese Cinema
    • 241 Contemporary Chinese Literature
    • 397T Traditional Chinese Theater
    • HISTORY 114 History of China I
    • HISTORY 115 History of China II
  4. Integrative Experience - 3 credits from among the following:
    • 394PI Chinese Popular Culture
    • 394WI Women in Chinese Culture
  5. Junior Year Writing
    • 381 Junior Year Writing

Joint Major in Chinese and Linguistics

(See Linguistics section)


A cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required in courses used to satisfy the major requirement; no Pass/Fail option in such courses; only six credits from other institutions in the Five College consortium may be applied to the major; students who begin the major at an advanced level must take enough courses at that level to accumulate the required number of credits from the major; double majors need to complete the Junior Year Writing requirement in only one of their majors. No student who passes the program’s foreign language exemption exam may enroll in 110/120/126/127/246/247.