The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

Note on Elementary Chinese: No more than six credits may be earned for any combination of courses at the Elementary level (CHINESE 110, 120, 126).

110 Non-intensive Elementary Chinese I (2nd sem)

120 Non-intensive Elementary Chinese II (1st sem)

126 Intensive Elementary Chinese I (1st sem) 6 cr

127 Intensive Elementary Chinese I - Reading & Writing (1st sem) 6 cr

136 Introduction to Chinese Cinema

140 Chinese Script I (1st sem)

150 Peoples and Languages of China

197Q Late Imperial Chinese Literature and Culture

241 Contemporary Chinese Literature 

242 Chinese Vernacular Literature

246 Intensive Elementary Chinese II (2nd sem) 6 cr

247 Intensive Elementary Chinese II - Reading & Writing (2nd sem) 6 cr

285 Language Suite Conversation (both sem) 2 cr with 1-cr Honors option

326 Intensive Intermediate Chinese I (1st sem) 6 cr

327 Intensive Intermediate Chinese II (2nd sem) 6 cr

375 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics

381 Junior Year Writing Program

394PI Chinese Popular Culture (IE)

394WI Women in Chinese Cultures (IE)

426 Advanced Modern Chinese I (1st sem)

427 Advanced Modern Chinese II (2nd sem)

432 Media Chinese

433 Business Chinese

450 Elementary Classical Chinese 4 cr

526 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature I (1st sem)

527 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature II (2nd sem)

528 Chinese Language in Contexts

555 Classical Chinese Poetry

575 Syntactic Structures of Chinese

576 History of the Chinese Language

580 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language I

581 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language II

597L Modern Chinese Literature and Culture

597M The Ming-Qing Novel I

597P Traditional Chinese Drama and Performing Arts

597Q The Ming-Qing Novel II

670 Introduction to Research Chinese Source Materials

691A Graduate Seminar