The Minor


Required to complete a Minor in Chinese are 24 credits as follows:

  1. 12 credits of Chinese language:

    126 Intensive Elementary Chinese I or
    110 Non-intensive Elementary Chinese I
    120 Non-intensive Elementary Chinese II and
    246 Intensive Elementary Chinese II

  2. Any courses from among the following (from either Group I or Group II, from both or similar approved course) for a total of 12 credits:
    1. Language and Linguistics

      326 Intensive Intermediate Chinese I
      327 Intensive Intermediate Chinese II
      375 Introduction to Chinese Linguistics
      426 Advanced Modern Chinese I
      427 Advanced Modern Chinese II
      432 Media Chinese
      433 Business Chinese
      450 Elementary Classical Chinese
      498Y Practicum (1-6 credits)
      526 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature I
      527 Readings in Modern Chinese Literature II
      528 Chinese Language in Contexts
      575 Syntactic Structures of Chinese
      576 History of the Chinese Language
      580 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language I
      581 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language II
      670 Intro to Research Chinese Source Materials

    2. Literature and Culture

      136 Introduction to Chinese Cinema
      241 Contemporary Chinese Literature
      397T Traditional Chinese Theater
      555 Classical Chinese Poetry
      568 Modern Chinese Literature and Culture
      562 Ming-Qing Novel I
      570 Traditional Chinese Drama and Performing Arts
      563 Ming-Qing Novel II
      HISTORY 114 History of China I
      HISTORY 115 History of China II

Note: Students who begin taking language courses at a level above the elementary level must take advanced courses sufficient to accumulate 24 credits for the minor. A grade of C or better is required for courses used to satisfy the minor requirement. Courses for the minor may not be taken Pass/Fail. No more than six credits taken through the Five College consortium will be accepted for the minor. No student who passes the program’s foreign language exemption exam may enroll in 110/120/126/127/246/247.